Apex salinity/conductivity question.

Gonna stop by Pure Reef tomorrow and see if they have it. Otherwise it'll be next week from an online vendor.
Ok, so here my deal now.

I have been using a refractometer to check my salinity when making water from the beginning and making batches to 35ppm unless it was for QT were I make it to 27ppt. I have also been making sure it's calibrated before use using Aqua Craft Salinity Calibration Fluid.

So I decided to bring some water into a lfs to get it tested and they told me I was at 1.031 which would put me at 41ppt! The salinity probe has been pretty much been reading 39ppt. When I got home I calibrated the refractometer using RODI water and then looked at the tank water and it showed 39ppt. Also when I bought my RO system from a member he gave me a hydrometer but I only used it a little in the beginning and it was within a point of the refractometer. I pulled it out and checked the tank water and it was off the chart above 1.028. Finally I used the calibration fluid and it came out to 39ppt. This would also make sense as to why my Mag is higher than it should be.

So what gives? Bad calibration fluid? Everything I've ready says not to use RODI water to calibrate and to calibrate within the targeted area of use, hence using the fluid. The tank inhabitants all appear to be fine and I have not started to slowly lower the salinity yet. I'm hoping I can have someone more experienced than me confirm my findings so I know I'm on the right track moving forwards.
What fluid did your apex come with? I think mine was like 53.
don't use rodi to calibrate your refractometer. I have had bad case of calibration fluid before. so I would check another reefer or buy a new bottle. unfortunately I'm out of town until the 12th. otherwise i could help.
Yes, it was 53mS. I have another pouch but I'm waiting on a NIST Thermometer to arrive this week before I re-calibrate. I want to double check the Temp probes first.
hzheng33;1090202 wrote: don't use rodi to calibrate your refractometer. I have had bad case of calibration fluid before. so I would check another reefer or buy a new bottle. unfortunately I'm out of town until the 12th. otherwise i could help.

I'll check around to see if I can get some fluid locally. If not what about making my own? I've read the lengthy articles by Randy Holmes-Farley where he describes how to make it. I was thinking if bottle I got from BRS is bad how do I trust getting it again? I'd be more inclined to trust something I mixed up provided I can do it accurately.
I have two cheap thermometers in the tank. One shows 76 and the other 78. Then I used my grilling thermometer which calibrated to 208 in boiling water. 1.9% low. It showed 77 in the tank which is 78.5 which is what the apex showed. While none of those are precision instruments I felt like they all confirmed that the apex wasn't way off, and likely, pretty close.

I calibrated my my refractometer with both rodi at zero and water from the fish store. I may need to re-calibrate mine now too though. My 5g was high when I tested in last week. 1.030. Everything in the tank is fine.
Take your refractometer and calibration fluid to a LFS. Calibrate the refractometer against the LFS water, then check your calibration fluid to see what it says.
Well, I don't know what to think now. I must be losing it...

I calibrated it before I left to go to the LFS last night. Then I checked the tank too. Everything showed 35ppm. Took some tank water, the reftacto & cal solution. When we check tank water there it's showing 39ppm. I'm like wtf and feel like an idiot. So I start to think maybe it's the led light I just put up in the basement fish room a couple months ago not giving a full spectrum or something. I slink out of the lfs and go home. When I get back home and check the tank water back down there it's reading 39ppm, put cal solution in it and it reads 35ppm... it's not the light... wtf??? am I going crazy, lol, no really. Am I going crazy? I mean this isn't rocket science. Make sure the lens & cover are clean, add 3 drops of cal solution, close the cover & make sure there's no air bubbles, wait 30 second for temp to stabilize, take the reading. If it's off turn the screw so the margin line is at the top of the 35 line (usually just a tiny tweak). That's it calibrated. Now read the new batch or tank water.

All I can think is maybe something was up with the ATO bimetallic filament in the refracto and by packing it up and taking it to the lfs it got bumped a bit or there was a large temp change in it that freed up the filament. Either that or I'm F'ing nuts :confused2: This also explains the high Mag I was seeing. It's from the extra, wasted, salt I was adding.

In the end the salinity probe is reading correctly. It showed 38.8 last night and I did a 20gal water change that lowered it to 36.8, the new water was fed through the sump slowly and not added quickly to the tank. These numbers are verified by the refracto. There was no apparent shock to the livestock and this morning the leather that I have looks much happier. Right now the probe it reading 36.5.

From here on I'll take a few cups a day out and let the ATO drop it the rest of the way. I also going to get a better hydrometer that doesn't leak like the one I have. Then I'm going to put a mark on it to show 35ppm/1.0264 against the refracto. Then I can occasionally compare to be sure everything is reading right. God I feel like a moron. :blush:
remember to calibrate your refractometer... that COULD be the issue...
I found the 53ms apex fluid that I originally calibrated my new apex to. I calibrated my refractomer with it, tank water, ro water and new Red Sea water from Optimum and it was all what I expected. The Apex is still showing 30. Over the last week Fusion says 29.68 average 28.8-30.4. In the last 3 days it's been a lot tighter than that. I'd definitely say I just need to re-calibrate the probe.
Fun stuff. Lol We have all been there and most of the time it's just something very simple. I'm happy your getting it figured out.
anit77;1090206 said:
Yes, it was 53mS. /QUOTE]

I went to get some more calibration fluid yesterday... I never really paid attention to it before since the bag came with my apex - it said cut it open, stick it in and hit calibrate... but 53mS = 1.026 SG = 35 g/l...

My bag of apex fluid had been sitting open for weeks on my office desk when I went to calibrate my refractomer with it and it just happened to show 53g/l... Luckily I didn't re-calibrate my apex with it... I guess I figured that it was a fluid that wouldn't evaporate...

I do still believe my refractometer is calibrated correctly... and that the Apex showing 30.3-30.6 in my tank is just not calibrated correctly.

Why should I pay $10-15 for calibration fluid when I can just use water sold to me a 35g/l and confirmed with my refractometer. Can't I just calibrate with that water??
Danh;1092955 wrote:
anit77;1090206 said:
Yes, it was 53mS. /QUOTE]
Why should I pay $10-15 for calibration fluid when I can just use water sold to me a 35g/l and confirmed with my refractometer. Can't I just calibrate with that water??

You can't use the Neptune stuff to calibrate a refractometer. It will always show lower on it. Also yes evaporated fluid will give you a bad result.

The Neptune calibration fluid is only $3, don't know where your finding it for that high a price.

Float the bag in your sump for 10-15 minutes before you open it. If you have a decent size measuring cup fill it about 3/4 with water from the sump an hang it from a weir in the sump. If you have a temp probe connected to the PM2 throw it in the measuring cup. Clean the Condux probe with rodi water and dry, carefully. Start the calibration in the Apex and set the temp comp to 2.2 (Only if you have a temp probe connected to the PM2). Cut the corner of the bag and insert the probe at an angle with the air port facing up and swish it around in there. Then put the bag and probe into the measuring cup,<u> making sure no water from the cup gets into the bag.</u> Now let it sit for 20 min to a half hour. When you come back to it again swish the probe in the bag and see if the numbers change. If it's still changes after a couple seconds let it sit some more. Once it doesn't change for more than 20 seconds complete the calibration in Apex.

Now put the probe in an area that is free of bubbles in your sump and see what the reading is. If the reading starts getting low again use your hand to swish some water at the probe from underneath. These things are very sensitive to air bubbles.
Hmm Ill have to try doing the calibration with the temp probe in the fluid as well.

Ive recalibrated mine twice and it always reads about 2-3 points lower than my Refractometer.

For the most part its pretty accurate just a few points low. I do notice it goes a bit screwy when the sensor gets bubbles on it though.

And to answer your question, calibration fluids are made for what the sensor reads. Salinity fluid for a refractometer does not worth the same as salinity fluid for a conductivity sensor.