Apex supposed to ship tomorrow.


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I read the Apex are to begin shipping tomorrow.:up:

I am sure some other here have ordered one so post in here when you get yours.

I hope I it was worth the money LOL. I could buy alot of coral for 500 bucks.

I do like that I can see the watt draw on all the my electronics. I have used a watt meter on my skimmer for a while now. If it starts pulling more then 63 watts it time to clean the pump.

What are you guys looking forward to about it the Apex?

Let me know when you get it in definitely want to check those bad boys out, but then of course I have to go home to my now subpar ac3 lol.
im interested to find out how the Apex will perform...

I WAS interested in the RK Elite... until I started reading about the Apex and realized that they were VERY competitively priced (and with the Apex you can actually make changes over the net, not just monitor)
Yea Jeremy I like fancy things and my current timers are just little black box's. :) Now I have fancy buttons to push and 3 PH monitors on one tank. On serious note if it ever has to shut down my lights because of heat it will have paid for itself. It's like insurance you have to have it but do not like having to pay for it.

And its digital and stuff. I have flashing lights and things round my tank to make it look more impressive, when really its just simple. For some reason, Its not attracting any girls though.....

Seriously though, the cost, while steep, is worth every penny, for peace of mind in its resolve.
jmaneyapanda;367305 wrote: And its digital and stuff. I have flashing lights and things round my tank to make it look more impressive, when really its just simple. For some reason, Its not attracting any girls though.....

Might be due to the driveway that looks like something from deliverance.
I have one pre-ordered as well...looking forward to having six digital inputs:

- level sensor for ATO
- water on floor sensor--instant email/text
- the only water on floor issue I have ever had is when a snail climed into my fuge to sump overflow--so high fuge level sensor will be added.

Also looking forward to pH monitoring for tank, Ca Reactor.

No more timers for lights.

I am sure there is more but I am a techie...looking forward to monitoring all this stuff while away...I'm sure my boss will be proud...now if I can just talk the wife unit into the live internet camera feeds...
I purchased mine from Saltysupply.com in Florida...they were running a pre-order special $480 with free shipping...only catch is that he debited that day.

Ouch...that thing better come soon..I could have put that $480 in the stock market and had lost another hundred by now.
No and no money has been taken out of my account as of yesterday so mine has not shipped yet.:(

I got an email from my rep today..says they shipped the retail first....claims they committed to suppliers/distributors but they are delayed. Hopefully next week for me.