Apex trident


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Has anyone heard about a new release date or what in the world is going on with this thing? It was supposed to be out over a year ago
I'm impatiently waiting myself. I'm also on the NSI team and haven't heard a thing about testing yet either.

All I can think is they're trying to make it as infallible as possible. Listen Neptune's product's aren't perfect and some components are better than others. But if they release something and there's an issue, even if it's user error, they get railed across the net.

I'm no fan boy and if I had the money I might go the GHL route but at this price point, while still not cheap, there's nothing else out there. I've had my problems with Neptune and when one occurs I try to be understanding and communicate with them and try to help them understand the problem. I don't go out and bash them across the net. In the end they've taken care of every issue I've had to my satisfaction, even with things I've bought used and not under warranty. I've had at least 6 boxes go back and forth with them and only paid $30 for one of them, a failed PM1 I bought used.

With the Trident having the ability to do more harm if someone actually doses with its results I'm sure they want to be sure it's perfect before releasing it. But as someone colorblind I'm tired of waiting too.
Knowing how much the market would want it and how anxious they would be to get it I would have kept quiet until shipping time.
I’ve shipped a lot back to them and each time it’s $20 for shipping and $50 to repair whatever is broken. My EB832 was shipped back to me yesterday.
Evidently I’m a hypocrite, just bought a raffle ticket.

However it’s to keep as spare for when mine breaks again
To update this thread, the trident has started to be released already with the NSI guys and they also have a policy to show and demonstrate results of it. It’s been strong on what it was designed for, and of course we’re not expecting Insiders to tell bad things about it, instead, report anything to Neptune to get a solution.
I’m in the color blind myself too, not so much, just little but this kind of testing, checkers, or anything that it can give us digital results of chemical parameters is a great advantage and a huge advance in the whole hobby.
I also think that if we start seeing “issues” with Trident once it gets released, I’d blame 75 to 85% on user error and the rest in the company to be honest. Neptune guys have become really smart on keeping the company strong and growing that they won’t be risking to manufacture a product not profitable and something that could not perfom for the main porpoise it was designed for.
I remember when Checkers just came out in the market and almost within the first six months they had issues with an amount of batches, an issue that was fixed promptly by Hanna. I expect the same response from Neptune if any problems should arise. For what I’ve known the price will start rigorous and not cheap well above 700’s, not sure.
I didn't get picked for the 1st round of NSI testing. There's talk of a second round going out in a few weeks l. So I'm still hoping...

From what I've seen in their videos and posts on their forum the cost is supposed to be under $600. To me that means $59x. If I don't get picked I'll still be buying when it comes out.

If your not keeping high end acro's or a lot of sps I don't think it'd be worth it. But for those that are it should help you get the system really stable. Especially for those that tend to be lazy testing... like me. :rolleyes::oops:
YAY....out of stock.....

I just want it to be on the market for at least 6 months to see how it works and im getting one.
From everything I've seen its going to be a VERY limited initial release. Don't know when supply will meet demand but I hope it's by early to mid summer.
I havent been in the hobby that long but Im guessing this is probably the most movement since its announcement. Regional reps visiting LFS's, major retailer posting a price....
Oh snap!


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