Apex Tunze Program (night, day, flush)


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You should have the variable speed connector on the Tunze plugged into the variable speed ports on your Apex using the appropriate adapter cable availble from Neptune or your Neptune dealer. You DO NOT need to plug the Tunze power cord into one of the EB8 outlets, you can plug it into a normal power outlet and control the Tunze through the variable speed ports.

Programming Profiles:
You to edit a Profile for each mode you want to set your Tunze pump to operate in. For me, I have 5:

type: pump
minIntensity: 30
maxIntensity: 100
sync: Disable
div10: Disable
intOffTime: 0
OnTime: 3
OffTime: 5

type: pump
minIntensity: 30
maxIntensity: 100
sync: Disable
div10: Disable
intOffTime: 0
OnTime: 3
OffTime: 5

type: pump
minIntensity: 30
maxIntensity: 30
sync: Disable
div10: Disable
intOffTime: 0
OnTime: 3
OffTime: 5

type: pump
minIntensity: 30
maxIntensity: 100
sync: Disable
div10: Enable
intOffTime: 3
OnTime: 22
OffTime: 7

type: pump
minIntensity: 30
maxIntensity: 100
sync: Disable
div10: Enable
intOffTime: 5
OnTime: 12
OffTime: 15

I also have a virtual outlet called Timer that I use to switch between the left and right stream pump.


Set L_Stream >>>> Sets this variable speed outlet to use the L_Stream profile by default
If Outlet Main_Actinic = OFF Then Night >>>> Sets this variable speed outlet to use the Night profile when the lights are off
If Outlet Timer = ON Then OFF >>>> When the virtual outlet called "Timer" is on, turn this pump OFF (provides an alternating flow)
If FeedA 005 Then Flush_1 >>>>> For 5 minutes after the feed timer expires, run the Flush_1 profile (this ends up being random chaotic when combined with the other pump running Flush_2)
If FeedA 000 Then OFF >>>>> when feed timer is running, turn this pump off.

Main StreamR
Set R_Stream >>>> Sets this variable speed outlet to use the R_Stream profile by default
If Outlet Main_Actinic = OFF Then Night >>>> Sets this variable speed outlet to use the Night profile when the lights are off
If Outlet Timer = OFF Then OFF >>>> When the virtual outlet called "Timer" is OFF, turn this pump OFF (provides an alternating flow)
If FeedA 005 Then Flush_2 >>>>> For 5 minutes after the feed timer expires, run the Flush_1 profile (this ends up being random chaotic when combined with the other pump running Flush_1)
If FeedA 000 Then OFF >>>>> when feed timer is running, turn this pump off.

Timer (Virtual Outlet)
OSC 010:00/010:00/000:00 Then ON

Using this programming will:
Provides separate min and max settings for the left and right pumps (for the daytime profile)
Alternate active pumps between left and right, every 10 minutes
When the lights are OFF, run the active pump at a steady 30% speed (can be tweaked by editing the Night profile)
When the lights are ON, alternate the active pump between 30 and 100% power (can be tweaked by editing the R_Stream and L_Stream profiles)
When the feed timer is on, turn off all pumps
For 5 minutes after the feed timer expires, run both pumps between 30 and 100% power at quick, non-uniform intervals (provides close to random wave action)
have you been sneaking a peak at my program?

(I also have a wavebox set up...)
