April 2020 Meeting "Fish Spotlight" with ActiveAngel


Active Member
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Date: 4-26-2020
Time: 2-3 pm

Andrew will be doing an informational meeting on various fish that are commonly mistaken for each other. This will include: Gobies, Blennies, Dartfish, Tilefish, jawfish, Dragonets. Andrew will potentially expanding on this as part of a fish id series over the next year as well that should be quite interesting.

We will be doing this meeting over Zoom which worked pretty well overall for most.

AtlantaReefClub Videos is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: ARC April Meeting
Time: Apr 26, 2020 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 889 5448 8438
Password: 357567
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Meeting ID: 889 5448 8438
Password: 357567
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We will once again be giving away a bunch of gift cards! Come join us!
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Hey guys!

Sorry I've been MIA for a few days, but I'm back now!

This meeting is kinda last minute. But I've put together a bunch of photos and diagrams for these groups of fish!
I've outlined many talking points.
And will be available to answer questions.

Streamlined Fish
  • Blennies
  • Gobies,
  • Dartfish and Tilefish
  • Jawfish
  • Dragonets
It may seem like only 5-7 groups of fish... but frankly, these groups compose thousands of species! No joke!
And, honestly, they're probably the ones that have the most mistaken identity of all fish groups.

My hopes is that by the end of the presentation:
  • Beginners in the hobby and Intermediates -
    • You will be able to make educated guesses whenever they see a new fish species... and to determine when a fish at an LFS is mislabeled.
  • Veterans -
    • You will learn some fun facts and observations that you didn't notice before.
    • You'll gain a slight nudge in enjoyment and appreciation for these fish.
    • I hope I can surprise you with at least 1 or 2 awesome fish species that aren't common in the hobby.
Great topic. Thanks for putting it together! Awesome for us newbies! Can’t wait!