April Photo Contest - Reef Photo + Caption!


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
This contest is free for any supporting members! If you're not a supporting member consider joining, it's well worth it.

Since April Fool's day was just last week lets go ahead and do a photo contest based on whatever reef based photo you desire with a funny caption. It is preferable if it is one of your tank but its not mandatory. Winning photo/caption will receive a $100 gift card to the LFS of your choice.

The winning picture will be the post with the most likes. Only one more week before all entries are closed! :)

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The winning picture will be the post with the most likes. Only one more week before all entries are closed! :)
The entries are closed at the end of april but we'll keep this rolling for a few more weeks and then tally up the votes.
Alright, lots of nice pics. We got some votes. I'll be closing this at the end of the day.