Aqua C 180 with EHEIM 1262 Help


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I need some help with the setup. I know some of you used to have a Aqua C with an EHEIM pump. I have mine in the sump. I dont think the pump is pumping the right amount of water into the skimmer. I am getting tons of white foam, but no brown coffee like discharge. Any suggestions. I had to go to homedepot and buy a nozel that screwed right into the skimmer and the hose is connected straight to the pump. The air valve is wide open and the ball valve is wide open as well. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
if this is a new skimmer, it will take a bit of time to break in. You shuld see some results within a week. Or to help speed up the process you can try to soak the skimmer in warm water for a few minutes then hook it back up.
How old is the skimmer? Skimmers usually take a while to break-in some can take a couple or more days.
glxtrix wrote: if this is a new skimmer, it will take a bit of time to break in. You shuld see some results within a week. Or to help speed up the process you can try to soak the skimmer in warm water for a few minutes then hook it back up.
You beat me to it... gahhh!
The skimmer is not new. The pump is. The cord was ripped out of my other EHEIM pump so I receieved a new one yesterday. The skimmer is 2 years old. The skimmer is on the bottom of the sump and the water is an inch below the output.
My skimmer had not been working well for about a month. I removed it thinking there was a clog and realized the that pump was not working. I believe this is why I have some sort of sludge algae over my rocks.
could be possible that there are stilll some factory oils on the pump that need to wear off befor the actual bubble production will start. As long as your tube is filled and bubbles are being produced, I'ld say give it a few days and see what happens.
If you haven't already cleaned your injector, you might want to do that. The AquaC injectors do get clogged and need to be cleaned periodically. The other thing to check is the air inlet. Make sure it hasn't become restricted.
Go with the above suggestions especially the injector cleaning and air intake blockage. If you are still having a problem, you can run the skimmer in a diluted mix of vinegar and warm salt water for a while. This will clean it out and remove any calcium deposits in the skimmer.
If you have a strong white foam- I dont think that an air blockage or injector blockage is the problem. Is the pump properly rated? I know AquaC's are quite specific about the pumps used. Perhaps you are overpushing it. If so, put in a ball valve.
I cleaned out the skimmer, and the thing is now a machine. The skimmate I was getting in a week with the sedra needlewheel is what I get in half a day now. I didnt realize how much crap was in the water. Amazing!