Aqua C issue


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Im running a Aqua C Remora pro with a overflow tube going down to a 5 gallon catch bucket, (thank god)... It is skimming the water right out of the tank, for about 2 days it would only produce a tiny amount of foam now its just pouring out the top with foam, I woke up this morning and my 5 gallon was full and half the tank was empty. Why is it doing this? the pic will show the tube on the right. Im running a mag 3 as the pump. Any ideas?!
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It could be for a variety of reasons and this will happen to any skimmer out there...

Could be that if its a new skimmer it might've finally "broken in" and now its producing plenty of skimmate.

Could be that your ph dropped to a point where the surface tension allows more bubble production.

Could be an additive in the water that increases surface tension.

Could be Allah messing with you.

Considering that it occurred during the night, more than likely its because you had a drop in your ph which happens with most tanks at night. When the ph reaches a certain point the skimmer starts producing more bubbles because the surface tension of the water gets higher for whatever reason. Could also be temperature related... In addition, it could be all of the above or many other reasons not listed.

It's probably safer for your tank if you allow the skimmer to overflow back into the tank water... Until you get everything figured out.
My skimmer's production definitely increases at night, no doubt about it, but I've never seen it do more than fill the cup at top and about half of the .5 liter water bottle I use as an overflow from the skimmer. Def. better to have the skimmer pour into the tank than to drain all the water out of your tank!
wghat does the skimmate look like? Is it dark, or just a lightly tinted clear? Was anything added to the tank? Did you have power off to it for a while? Lots o questions.
It could be the combo of the new pump and the skimmer. I kinda thought the mag3 you have on it was over kill. I know the Remora I'm running with the Maxijet 1200 procudes alot of skimmate and the cup is at the highest it can be. From the picture it looks like you have the cup at the highest it can go. You don't have anything in the tank right now do you? I thought I remeber seeing that you just have sand and this skimmer right now. Maybe you don't have enough to skim.
Cameron will eventually read this and tell you the answer! lol
Chemically_Balanced;36008 wrote: It could be the combo of the new pump and the skimmer. I kinda thought the mag3 you have on it was over kill. I know the Remora I'm running with the Maxijet 1200 procudes alot of skimmate and the cup is at the highest it can be. From the picture it looks like you have the cup at the highest it can go. You don't have anything in the tank right now do you? I thought I remeber seeing that you just have sand and this skimmer right now. Maybe you don't have enough to skim.

Maxijet 1200= 295 gph
Mag 3= 300gph

I dont know if it would make that much difference.
and actually new pumps and skimmers work opposite, not creating enough skimmate or any. My guess is it finally kicked in and it needs to balance itself out. Raise the cup if you can and see if that works out. Have you added anything to your tank, like melafix or pimafix, that will make skimmers go insane!
thanks everyone for the replies! Here is whats going on, ive got a 5 gallon bucket as a "collection cup" the water is CLEAR, but it comes up as bubbles. I guess ill put the tube in the tank until it "works itself out" Any one else have an idea?!
no airintake on those skimmers, they have a sprayjet that creates the bubbles. how high do you have the collection cup?
glxtrix;36041 wrote: no airintake on those skimmers, they have a sprayjet that creates the bubbles. how high do you have the collection cup?

High as it will let me. 3-4 inches? and im not sure about the ph because the tank is 3 days new! lol

oh and ro water
Mine did the exact same thing. It only stopped when I threw the thing in the closet. I use the pump to mix salt now.
send an email to the customer service, they are great people and they can work you thu something.
Oh wait... tank is brand-new???

Now, maybe someone else here knows better, but it was my understanding that one generally does not run a skimmer until the tank is about 6 months old and/or there has been a large livestock introduction. My tank is just 4 months old, and the only reason we are running a skimmer was because we had a friend who was moving donate a large quantity of rock, coral and inverts from his mature 33 gallon into our then just 1 month old (with NO stock except sand) tank, so we were kind of on a different life-cycle at that point.

Someone here may tell you very differently (and will likely be more experienced and knowledgeable thank I am), AFAIK, you don't need to run your skimmer for any reason besides getting it slimed-up and prepped for eventual use some months from now after you have livestock and other organics besides sand in the tank.
okay well its looking like I may need to try a smaller pump. Anyone have suggestions? Or maybe a valve in to slow down the flow? Any one tried that?