Aqua Controller 3


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So I went through a lot of trouble to install a power panel in my stand. Multiple outlets, switched individually, all on GFI, and has a master kill switch in case of emergency. *pats self on back*

Anyway, I love the amount of manual control I have, but am low looking to get an AC3 (sorry to the RKE users out there). I was told by a trusted source that you must use the DC8 to control devices, but I am doubting the info. It seems like I could use an X-10 controller connected to the AC3 and replace my outlets with X-10 outlets for approximately the same cost of the DC8, and not add yet another piece of clunky hardware to the mix.

Does the AC3 talk effectively with an X-10 controller? If so, I could have control of MANY X-10 outlets, potentially all over the house if I wanted. For example, if I wanted an alert upstairs in my bedroom or office that tells me when there's a problem with the tank downstairs, like a radio or a lamp that comes on if the temp is too high.

Experience, thoughts, concerns? All comments welcome.
the AC's are made to use X-10 and work fine with them. The DC-8's are made to so you dont have to use X-10 stuff which on its own has some signal issues(since it sends the signals over your house power wiring, and anything you want to control must be on the same circuit)

I would rethink your reasoning since the problems the X-10 stuff have make me iffy about trusting it with my reef tank, and the DC-8/4 eliminate those problems.
I had not thought about the fact that all devices need to be on the same circuit. Good point. Kind of eliminates the cool alert feature I was dreaming up. Still possible with a second X-10 controller, but not as easy.

I thought about the noise/signal issues for the tank as well, but the runs would be 18" max and are all located in the same panel. You think that's still a concern? I understand that typical signal noise frequently comes from pumps, fans, and all sorts of things frequently attached to our tanks.
Ive used X-10 for lighting and other control stuff in houses, but nothing that really matters if it doesnt work.

For the same basically the same cost, ill stick with the DC-8's and not mess the hassle. But thats up to you.

The only thing I dont like about he DC's is the lack of high amp circuits per plug, but im getting around that with some relays and extra wiring.
Here's the wiring diagram I will use for my AquaController JR. with DC8 and DC4.

<span style="font-family: Verdana"><span style="font-size: 12px">
alt="" /></a></span></span>

I'm trying to avoid the DC modules (glutton for punishment), but am still interested in the diagram. Photobucket doesn't seem to want to work for me. Can you email the pic to caryaialeed'at'gmail'dot'com
Got the diagram. Thanks Larry. Looks pretty solid to me, with the following 2 comments:
1. Some folks, including myself, like to keep fans on a staggered temperature setting, such that fan 1 comes on at 79, fan 2 at 80, and fan 3 at 81 (or whatever you choose). Just a thought, so that you are not short cycling the fans in a full blast/no blast scenario when the temp is just at that one annoying point where one fan may provide the necessary temp pull-down.
2. Watch your amps. I know everything in your diagram will not be running simultaneously, but your total amps are approaching the upper advisable limits of a single circuit.
Yeah... I am watching those amps! I wanted the fans staggered but ran out of connections on the ACJr. (only allows 12). I also noticed I have the acintics running at night... these will run during the day with the MH... further increasing my amps. I may move the power heads off the DC8 so I can add the individual fans. It's a plan, subject to revision.
you can get around that lack of plugs, but having the fans and chiller come on from the same plug at say 79, and set the chiller itself to 80. Works for my setup :)
Ender, good suggestion. That's how I had my heaters set on my Ranco before it died (prompting the search for an AC3). The Ranco came on at 76, along with the first heater. Second heater was set to 75 in case the first heater couldn't keep up.

Does anyone else have any experiance/opinions about the X-10 pipe dream?
Thanks everyone for the input. Getting ready to order the AC3. Still torn on the DC vs. X-10 route. Perhaps I'll set up a trial and see how it goes.
You can run X10 Modules on different circuits, the trouble arrises when you try and run them on circuits that are on different AC phases. The signal then needs to go from the controller, to the transformer (on the telephone pole or on the street) and back to the controlled module. This is where the majority of reliability issues come from. If you wish to do this, I suggest getting an X10 signal bridge installed in your house.

You can use a DC4/8 and X10 modules at the same time. Just wire the DC4/8 as the first item connected to the Aquacontroller then connect to the X10 transceiver.
Since I currently have 4 different light outlets on my power panel, I think I am going to swap those four out for X10's and see if I have any signal issues. If one happens to miss a signal one day, not a big deal since I have 3 others. I would rather do this and be confident on their reliability before I go putting heaters or something that could be a potential disaster if it misses a signal.
AC3 just arrived! Wo-hoo!
I'm assuming you existing AC users all use the downloadable software to write your programming, right? I would imagine navigating the code with the 3 buttons is about as fun as a 50G water change using a pint glass...
I used Aquanotes lite earlier this week for mine but did access it via the web server as well. Outstanding device from what I have seen so far. I haven't taken the plunge for a CA reactor yet, but as far as managing lights, heaters, pumps and monitoring PH and Temp it's been a huge upgrade.
No CA reactor here yet either, but am looking into a Nilsen in the near future for Kalk. Glad to hear another AC3 noob found it easy to use and is pleased with performance.

Now I need to pick up some X-10 outlets and a controller for the AC3 to talk to...
Yeah it's really not hard at all, it can be picky about the formatting so if something looks right but it isn't working take a look at spacing and decimal places.

I didn't mess with the X-10 at all, picked up a DC8 with it and will probably add a DC 4 here shortly for my main pump and frag tank on a separate circuit.
Hooking everything up as we speak and have one major hurdle. After installing AquaNotes Lite (the downloadable version), the ethernet connection does not appear to be working. The green LED is on and blinking, but the yellow LED has not come on yet and I get the dreaded "AquaController not responding" message. The AC3 is not talking to my laptop... Ideas?
Can you go directly to the AC3's web server bypassing aquanotes? If so there may be something in Aqua notes that not looking in the right place. You've got the serial number assigned in aquanotes under Database -&gt; Tank Database right?