Aquarium Planner


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I checked out a handful of Aquarium Planner software and came to one big conclusion... they are all really crappy. AquaNotes, ReefCon DoctorAquarim and NanoPlanner were all largely deficient in one way or another. Is there some really good piece of software out there that wasn't written 15 years ago and easy to use?

If I wrote software that poorly, I wouldn't be in business right now.
I have so much on my plate right now, but I haven't seen one worth a crap so I may try.

I have a lot of stock DB apps to pull from as that is my expertise (scheduling, data entry, etc). Well that and the Windows API. I was looking at interfacing to the RK2 which doesn't seem to be that hard. I can probably use a bunch of DevExpress controls to give a nice look and feel. Anyone know where I can get a good fish/coral care database?
Have you done any snooping on the RK2 to get anywhere? I was waiting on their own logger to come out (been saying 'soon' for a while now) - never thought about just writing my own...

Cameron wrote: I have so much on my plate right now, but I haven't seen one worth a crap so I may try.

I have a lot of stock DB apps to pull from as that is my expertise (scheduling, data entry, etc). Well that and the Windows API. I was looking at interfacing to the RK2 which doesn't seem to be that hard. I can probably use a bunch of DevExpress controls to give a nice look and feel. Anyone know where I can get a good fish/coral care database?
It is raw data right down the serial port. Any com program can pick it off it seems. What I haven't figured out is if the RKII has any data logging capability. I don't think that it does. It seems to be strictly output only.
I just checked the Digital Aquatics page, and they've released a new firmware last month that shows data logging output. Not sure if you had the latest..."></a>

I might play around with this if I ever get the time...
I do, but I can't find any command to dump the data log. It just streams out the current data best I can tell. Data loggers usually store some historical data. I will see if I can throw together a quick program for logging.
I'd be really surprised if it had any built-in datalogging capabilities. That gets into some fairly serious issues when dealing with microprocessors. Given that it's 1000x easier to just stream the data out, I'm guessing that's all they've done.