ARC 2024 - We need YOU to help make this year great!


Staff member
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The Board of Directors are getting ready to roll with our first meeting coming up in a few days. We tentatively have our first event planned for March 2nd, details will be announced soon. We can't have a great year without your participation so please consider volunteering to help. We can always use assistance working with members, sponsors, and planning and prepping for events. We will have one or two open Trustee positions as well if members want to take an even more active role. Getting added to the list is easy, just reply below or send us a message. @Cook, @Steve Burton, @Gabridge83, @jcook54 . Looking forward to a great year!
Thank you ARC and those who are serving!!! You guys and gals are awesome <><
I’d love to help out any way I could!
Thank you all for doing so much for the club. If I can help with something please let me know.
I will be able to help more, towards the end of the year. But for the next 6ish months, ill mostly be an observer, attend meetings, and only help a little.
Thanks everyone! I've created a list to pull from. We will be in touch as events get closer. The more the merrier.