Thank you guys for coming in force! We had around 140 folks there in total... which is amazing.

This is one of those times that a group photo would've been awesome to take but man it was crazy crowded and hot in there.
The turn out was much higher than I expected and it was consequently a lil more chaotic than I would've liked. That being said, I still enjoyed it and I'm glad to hear all the positive feedback. We'll try to make next years even better

Once again, thank you guys for being so generous to both toys for tots and to our classroom tank project. Thank you guys for donating to our club's auctions as well. There were a lot of nice things donated and it really shows the overall generosity that our reefers have. I was surprised by the volume of items and it simply warms the heart. Special thanks to
@chuck on that wicked alien eye torch donation!
Finally, thank you Nathan
@wildernet , David
@Doberman13 , Justin
@jcook54 , Zap
@ZapataInc , Wei, Shawn
@aestheticlibra and many others for helping make it happen. A special thank you to Shawn - your rendition of "be my guest" was awesome

and I'm really not sure where our club would be without yah... Very glad you're a part of this.
Thanks again guys, let's have a great 2020 together.