ARC General Meeting Minutes - October 2006


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Written by Flipturn88

Date: 03 October 2006
Location: The Palisades Conference Room
Minutes by: Kayla Swart (Secretary)

I. Welcome
7:44 p.m. - Meeting called to order by Bob Lemcke, who welcomed all attendees.

II. Announcements
a) November Meeting: location was undecided.
- Officer elections will take place at this meeting.
- Positions are a one-year commitment, with the exception of treasurer.
- Bob asked anyone interested to step up to the plate.

b) ARC membership cards: if any member has not received his/her 2006 card, please notify Bob.

c) Raffle tickets: door prizes and $1 raffle prizes were announced, including books, magazines, misc. dry goods, and a coral frag. The drawings for both categories were held at the end of the meeting.

d) Power Buys: future power buys include Drs. Foster and Smith for September and November and The Filter Guys for the month of October. A 10% surcharge will be added to the latter if items are shipped to a person’s home as opposed to the November ARC meeting.

e) GA Aquarium News: Annual Passes are available for sale again.

f) Saltwater University: please see Kevin Jessup for volunteer information; help is always needed and greatly appreciated.

III. Presentation
Topic: Coral and Calcium – Part II
How Corals Absorb Calcium and Why it is Needed
Speaker: Tom Wyatt

*Slides and notes from the presentation will be available on the ARC website shortly.*

A few interesting facts:
- Most of the Carbon dioxide in the world is found in reef solids.
- Calcification of coral occurs externally. An analogy of this process is laying the “brick and mortar.”
- Skeletalization can be described as “the scaffold” of the coral structure.
- Photosynthetic rate directly controls calcification rate of a coral.

IV. Closing Announcements:
- Ray will give a talk at the November meeting on basic aquarium concepts.
- On November 10th, Richard Harker will be at the Georgia Aquarium. He is a renowned diver and has filmed Imax movies. In 2003, Mr. Harker discovered 37 new species of fish.
- Another November Power Buy will be with NGa Reef. It will include inverts and cleanup crews.
- Raffles were drawn at this time as well. Winners were able to select from a variety of prizes, depending upon their raffle tickets’ colors and availability.

V. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:24 PM.
Flipturn88 wrote: Written by Flipturn88

...d) Power Buys: future power buys include Drs. Foster and Smith for September and November and The Filter Guys for the month of October. A 10% surcharge will be added to the latter if items are shipped to a person’s home as opposed to the November ARC meeting.....

I'm sorry if I did not make my announcement clear, but all of us have to pay a 12% (10% for shipping + 2% for PayPal) for our respective orders. This applies whether all of the items are being shipped to me and then distributed at the Nov 14 ARC Meeting or whether the items are shipped to each person's home.

Sorry about any confusion,
