Written by Phantom Phish Atlanta Reef Club- General Membership Meeting Minutes of 8 March 2005 <u>ATLANTA REEF CLUB- GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES</u>
Date: 8 March 2005 (7:40 pm – approximately 9:00 pm)
Location: Mountain View Community Center, Marietta, GA
Minutes by: Chris Clark
1. 7:40 pm- Steve Shindell (President) called the meeting to order, and welcomed all ARC members and guests attending.
<u>Old Business</u>
1. Approval of old minutes.
No minutes were available from the February 2005 General Meeting
Action/ Follow up:
Chris Clark to obtain notes from Michael Fortune and submit February General Membership Meeting Minutes.
2. Brief Reports of Club Business:
a)Welcome of new Secretary:
Announcement was made of new Secretary, Chris Clark, being voted into office by the BOD to succeed Michael Fortune, who is unable to continue serving as Secretary secondary to increased work demands.
b) Help needed on all committees:
A brief announcement was made that all committees need additional help from club members. Anyone who can help, please contact the appropriate Committee Chair or Club Officer.
c) New Member Committee:
3 new club members were present at tonight's meeting, and were welcomed by all.
d) SaltWaterU:
May special event, with many exciting features. All club members will want to attend, and are encouraged to do so. Check website (ww.SaltWaterU.com) for details.
e) Power Buys and March 19th get together:
The ARC is conducting two concurrent Power Buys during the month of MarchÂ…
-My Reef Creations is offering Pinpoint Calcium Monitors at deeply discounted rates.
-Eichberg's Exotic Reefs is providing large quantities of reef critters to stock your reefs, also at significantly reduced prices. Reef critters can be picked up on March 19th, at a special meeting.
f) Georgia Aquarium:
The ARC, through the Georgia Aquarium Committee, is designing it's own aquarium for display at the Georgia Aquarium. Please see committee reports for details.
g) New Sponsor Announcement:
An announcement was made of a new ARC sponsor, Aquatic Pets. Aquatic Pets is located at 129 Willow Lane, McDonough, GA, and has offered a 15% discount to club members, on all items not currently on sale.
h) Next Meeting with Atlanta Reef Dwellers
The April 12 general meeting will be held with the Atlanta Reef Dwellers Scuba Club, at Jocks and Jills (Brookhaven), featuring Dr. Kimberly Cook as speaker.
This meeting begins 30 minutes earlier than our usual starting time, and is likely to be crowded. Club members are encouraged to arrive early, particularly if you plan to order dinner.
The business portion of the meeting was completed at 7:50 pm, with adjournment to the SIG presentations.
<u>Special Interest Group (SIG) Presentations</u>
At the conclusion of the business portion of the meeting, William Fisher (SIG Coordinator) described the format of tonight's meeting, which would involve four presentations given concurrently at separate stations within the meeting room. Members were invited to choose one, or more, of the presentations to attend. Many club members found the choice to be difficult, and instead opted for visiting several, or all, of the four SIG presentations. These included:
1. SPS Corals (Andy Daiss)
In his presentation Andy discussed with club members, the establishment of a computerized database for SPS corals, and the possible applications and requirements of such a database. Points of discussion included the tracking of individual coral specimens, with photographs of the same coral in a number of our different systems. The database could assist in identifying specific requirements for individual corals, and would be helpful in the establishment and recording of specimen lineage. The database would require a fast computer system, capable of storing and displaying a large number of photographs, in addition to text. The database could begin with input from ARC members, but could conceivably be expanded to collect data on a national scale. This database could become particularly valuable as a source of information on "hobbyist" cultured frags, which are likely to be the primary source of corals for our reef tanks in the future, as various regulatory agencies continue to restrict the harvesting and importation of "wild" colonies.
2. Nano Tanks (Ray and Lisa O'Connor)
Ray and Lisa O'Connor offered a detailed presentation on the operation of nano tanks, with the use of a laptop computer for displaying many colorful photographs and graphics. Mentioned was the fact that many of us reefers begin with a larger system, and decide at a latter date to tackle the challenges of a nano tank. Some of the points discussed included the set up of nano tanks, with emphasis on lighting choices and equipment selection. Appropriate livestock selection for nano tanks was also a significant part of the discussion, including the selection of corals based on the lighting system being used, and the suitability of different fish species in a nano tank system. Ray is partial to basslets in a nano tank, but recommends that the reader consult nanoreef.com for a listing of other compatible fish for this type of system. In addition, the establishment of a "fish free" system was also explored. If you're interested in setting up a nano tank, this was a presentation not to be missed.
3. Seahorses (Kayla Swart)
Kayla presented a very articulate discussion on seahorses, complete with a printed handout covering many of the details that were discussed. Approximately 35 species of seahorses are found throughout the world, although only a relatively few species are generally available to the aquarist. Most seahorses in the wild prefer a relatively shallow water environment, with protection from strong currents. A brief description of seahorse anatomy was included, with mention of the fact that seahorses lack scales, and is instead covered by a plate like armor modified from their bone structure. Housing of seahorses in an aquarium generally requires a dedicated species tank, usually of at least 20 gallons, with plenty of "hitching posts" (Gorgonians, macro algae and coral skeletons). Equipment selection should be guided by the premise of setting up a low flow environment, with no bubbles (which can lead to Gas Bubble Disease). Lighting is dependent only on any corals also being kept in the seahorse tank, and Kayla mentioned she uses PCs, with a preference for the actinic bulbs. Tankmates should be peaceful, and not overly compete with the seahorse for food. Gobies, blennies and dragonets were mentioned as good choices to house in a seahorse tank. For those looking for additional information on these fascinating creatures, Kayla suggests http://www.seahorse.org/"><span style="color: #0000ff;">www.seahorse.org</span></a> and [IMG]http://www.syngnathid.org/"><span style="color: #0000ff;">www.Syngnathid.org</span></a>.
[B]4. [/B][B]Digital Photography of Reef Aquariums (Melissa Maloney)[/B]
Using a laptop computer and projection system, Melissa presented a very interactive discussion on digital photography of reef tanks, with numerous examples from her own photographic library of various "do's and don'ts".
Melissa uses a 3.5 megapixel camera, and doesn't believe that the average reef photographer needs a camera with higher resolution, unless that person wants to do a lot of printing of enlargements. A camera with a shorter shutter delay can be helpful, particularly when shooting moving objects, like fish. A longer shutter lag can make compositions difficult, as a fish is likely to have moved from the time you press the shutter button, until the shutter actually trips. Melissa's camera does have a macro setting, but she prefers not to use a tripod, and instead opts to hand hold her camera. Before taking photographs, better results will be obtained if the glass is clean, and no floating particles are visible in the water. If using a flash, shoot at an angle so the flash reflection does not cause a glare in the picture. However, if taking a full tank photograph with a wide angle lens, shooting at an angle will often produce a picture which looks distorted, and in that case shooting perpendicular to the front glass is a better option. Melissa also mentioned that she makes use of software, such as Photo Shop Elements, to edit her photographs, which is helpful in adjusting the white balance, the color levels, and the cropping of photographs to improve composition. As a final bit of advice, she offers the true secret of all photographersÂ… Take lots of pictures, keeping only the good ones, and get rid of the rest.
At the conclusion of the SIG presentations, a nano tank was raffled off, with Todd Washowich (Washowi) being the lucky winnerÂ…
Â…and Bob Washington was subsequently selected as the person "who did not win".
You had to be there to understand that one. <span style="font-family: Wingdings;">[FONT=Wingdings]J</span>[/FONT]
Date: 8 March 2005 (7:40 pm – approximately 9:00 pm)
Location: Mountain View Community Center, Marietta, GA
Minutes by: Chris Clark
1. 7:40 pm- Steve Shindell (President) called the meeting to order, and welcomed all ARC members and guests attending.
<u>Old Business</u>
1. Approval of old minutes.
No minutes were available from the February 2005 General Meeting
Action/ Follow up:
Chris Clark to obtain notes from Michael Fortune and submit February General Membership Meeting Minutes.
2. Brief Reports of Club Business:
a)Welcome of new Secretary:
Announcement was made of new Secretary, Chris Clark, being voted into office by the BOD to succeed Michael Fortune, who is unable to continue serving as Secretary secondary to increased work demands.
b) Help needed on all committees:
A brief announcement was made that all committees need additional help from club members. Anyone who can help, please contact the appropriate Committee Chair or Club Officer.
c) New Member Committee:
3 new club members were present at tonight's meeting, and were welcomed by all.
d) SaltWaterU:
May special event, with many exciting features. All club members will want to attend, and are encouraged to do so. Check website (ww.SaltWaterU.com) for details.
e) Power Buys and March 19th get together:
The ARC is conducting two concurrent Power Buys during the month of MarchÂ…
-My Reef Creations is offering Pinpoint Calcium Monitors at deeply discounted rates.
-Eichberg's Exotic Reefs is providing large quantities of reef critters to stock your reefs, also at significantly reduced prices. Reef critters can be picked up on March 19th, at a special meeting.
f) Georgia Aquarium:
The ARC, through the Georgia Aquarium Committee, is designing it's own aquarium for display at the Georgia Aquarium. Please see committee reports for details.
g) New Sponsor Announcement:
An announcement was made of a new ARC sponsor, Aquatic Pets. Aquatic Pets is located at 129 Willow Lane, McDonough, GA, and has offered a 15% discount to club members, on all items not currently on sale.
h) Next Meeting with Atlanta Reef Dwellers
The April 12 general meeting will be held with the Atlanta Reef Dwellers Scuba Club, at Jocks and Jills (Brookhaven), featuring Dr. Kimberly Cook as speaker.
This meeting begins 30 minutes earlier than our usual starting time, and is likely to be crowded. Club members are encouraged to arrive early, particularly if you plan to order dinner.
The business portion of the meeting was completed at 7:50 pm, with adjournment to the SIG presentations.
<u>Special Interest Group (SIG) Presentations</u>
At the conclusion of the business portion of the meeting, William Fisher (SIG Coordinator) described the format of tonight's meeting, which would involve four presentations given concurrently at separate stations within the meeting room. Members were invited to choose one, or more, of the presentations to attend. Many club members found the choice to be difficult, and instead opted for visiting several, or all, of the four SIG presentations. These included:
1. SPS Corals (Andy Daiss)
In his presentation Andy discussed with club members, the establishment of a computerized database for SPS corals, and the possible applications and requirements of such a database. Points of discussion included the tracking of individual coral specimens, with photographs of the same coral in a number of our different systems. The database could assist in identifying specific requirements for individual corals, and would be helpful in the establishment and recording of specimen lineage. The database would require a fast computer system, capable of storing and displaying a large number of photographs, in addition to text. The database could begin with input from ARC members, but could conceivably be expanded to collect data on a national scale. This database could become particularly valuable as a source of information on "hobbyist" cultured frags, which are likely to be the primary source of corals for our reef tanks in the future, as various regulatory agencies continue to restrict the harvesting and importation of "wild" colonies.
2. Nano Tanks (Ray and Lisa O'Connor)
Ray and Lisa O'Connor offered a detailed presentation on the operation of nano tanks, with the use of a laptop computer for displaying many colorful photographs and graphics. Mentioned was the fact that many of us reefers begin with a larger system, and decide at a latter date to tackle the challenges of a nano tank. Some of the points discussed included the set up of nano tanks, with emphasis on lighting choices and equipment selection. Appropriate livestock selection for nano tanks was also a significant part of the discussion, including the selection of corals based on the lighting system being used, and the suitability of different fish species in a nano tank system. Ray is partial to basslets in a nano tank, but recommends that the reader consult nanoreef.com for a listing of other compatible fish for this type of system. In addition, the establishment of a "fish free" system was also explored. If you're interested in setting up a nano tank, this was a presentation not to be missed.
3. Seahorses (Kayla Swart)
Kayla presented a very articulate discussion on seahorses, complete with a printed handout covering many of the details that were discussed. Approximately 35 species of seahorses are found throughout the world, although only a relatively few species are generally available to the aquarist. Most seahorses in the wild prefer a relatively shallow water environment, with protection from strong currents. A brief description of seahorse anatomy was included, with mention of the fact that seahorses lack scales, and is instead covered by a plate like armor modified from their bone structure. Housing of seahorses in an aquarium generally requires a dedicated species tank, usually of at least 20 gallons, with plenty of "hitching posts" (Gorgonians, macro algae and coral skeletons). Equipment selection should be guided by the premise of setting up a low flow environment, with no bubbles (which can lead to Gas Bubble Disease). Lighting is dependent only on any corals also being kept in the seahorse tank, and Kayla mentioned she uses PCs, with a preference for the actinic bulbs. Tankmates should be peaceful, and not overly compete with the seahorse for food. Gobies, blennies and dragonets were mentioned as good choices to house in a seahorse tank. For those looking for additional information on these fascinating creatures, Kayla suggests http://www.seahorse.org/"><span style="color: #0000ff;">www.seahorse.org</span></a> and [IMG]http://www.syngnathid.org/"><span style="color: #0000ff;">www.Syngnathid.org</span></a>.
[B]4. [/B][B]Digital Photography of Reef Aquariums (Melissa Maloney)[/B]
Using a laptop computer and projection system, Melissa presented a very interactive discussion on digital photography of reef tanks, with numerous examples from her own photographic library of various "do's and don'ts".
Melissa uses a 3.5 megapixel camera, and doesn't believe that the average reef photographer needs a camera with higher resolution, unless that person wants to do a lot of printing of enlargements. A camera with a shorter shutter delay can be helpful, particularly when shooting moving objects, like fish. A longer shutter lag can make compositions difficult, as a fish is likely to have moved from the time you press the shutter button, until the shutter actually trips. Melissa's camera does have a macro setting, but she prefers not to use a tripod, and instead opts to hand hold her camera. Before taking photographs, better results will be obtained if the glass is clean, and no floating particles are visible in the water. If using a flash, shoot at an angle so the flash reflection does not cause a glare in the picture. However, if taking a full tank photograph with a wide angle lens, shooting at an angle will often produce a picture which looks distorted, and in that case shooting perpendicular to the front glass is a better option. Melissa also mentioned that she makes use of software, such as Photo Shop Elements, to edit her photographs, which is helpful in adjusting the white balance, the color levels, and the cropping of photographs to improve composition. As a final bit of advice, she offers the true secret of all photographersÂ… Take lots of pictures, keeping only the good ones, and get rid of the rest.
At the conclusion of the SIG presentations, a nano tank was raffled off, with Todd Washowich (Washowi) being the lucky winnerÂ…
Â…and Bob Washington was subsequently selected as the person "who did not win".
You had to be there to understand that one. <span style="font-family: Wingdings;">[FONT=Wingdings]J</span>[/FONT]