ARC Tank of the Month!!!

Dakota9;78055 wrote: OH, and who here hasn't wanted to see Simon's set-up? Most all of the active members have something in their tank that came from Simon through his great generosity and obvious ability to grow ANYTHING!

I second this , Simon's sump alone can win TOTM. I cant wait to see his new 300g - he is in the process of setting that up. His light rack is one of the coolest things I have seen
K. Great suggestion, how could I forget Simon?

Thanks Sal for volunteering! Let us know when you're ready for showing, we'll be there with bells on.
I nominate">this tank</a>.

I think it's just gorgeous and I'd love to see it in person.

And <u>yours, too</u>, Jin. I want to know how you keep it so squeaky clean.
My reasoning wasn't that it was "not ready" but "not presentable".
I'm actually very happy with the setup/configuration... its the massive ammount of hair algae, half dead corals (becasue of the hair algae that I've ignored for 3+months) and the redbug infested SPS.
Tony I was talking about a couple of other people not you :). I wasn't going to tell people what a poor state the Presidential tank was in! Get it cleaned up, I really want to feature it one of these coming months!
granted i have not seen everyones tank in the club, but i have seen many tanks in the last couple of years, from miami (where i lived for 2 years) and new york where i also lived for 2 years .these places had some killer setups , but from what i have seen rits tank and jons tank (swaggs) are the most impressive i have seen down south,,,, i would like to see their tanks nominated....
I nominate mine...LOL wait i don't have a is a pic

It is so clean and tidy that it seems that it is invisible(what a waste of a post i will now leave)
All nominations received + rep! I'll pursue those leads. What I really want though are some volunteers! How about you slayer?
Does anyone on ARC know anyone on RC who is involved in T.O.T.M. and might have some suggestions or tips on starting one here? I know a lot of you guys know each other, so someone might be able to offer some insight.
One of the things I love and hate about TOTM,. is that you never see a "low tech" tank on there. I understand completely,.. everytime this is mentioned on any other forum,... "No one really wants to see some softies and some",..

I guess my question is,.. will there be categories for this? I see that this is a new idea. Maybe that would be a good idea as well,. since we are more community based. High tech tanks are what we are all craving to see,. what we can do,. and where others have pushed the boundaries,...but some nice "low maintanence" stories might be nice as well.

Also with my bow front and mixed reef,. I find it hard to get some decent full tank shots,.. video seems to capture it much more,.. will videos be allowed?
If you read the first post you will find that we will be bringing over a professional photographer to take shots so no worries. I didn't think about video clips, maybe something hosted on utube would be a possiblity but honestly its not necessary and I probably won't implement that... but I might :).

As for "lowtech," I'm choosing the tanks and as I've previously said it will be a nice cross section of tanks in the club. As such, there will be no categories as I feel labeling tanks like that is unnecessary. We will be displaying just one tank per month and we've got the first three lined up it seems.

Our first TOTM will be for October and it will be our resident psychopath Ouling's tank.

Our next two TOTMs will be JJW's nano and armynavywife's tank.

Nothing else has been confirmed, but I got 3 months to figure out who's next :).
wbholwell;77976 wrote: I would like to nominate Rit's tank. I've only been fortunate enough to see it one time- I'm still in awe.

I second that! Although I havent been to Tony's in a while im curious about what he is up too...:up:
Come on Rit, that's like 3 people that have nominated you. By popular demand you gotta let us make your tank TOTM! Canopies and doors are obviously unimportant to us :)
Jerry I think it should just be ARC members. That being said, you should join so we can feature your incredible tanks sometime soon!