Are my options really that limited?


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I'm stocking my reef tank (125g) with coral and fish. Since I'm still pretty new at this -- I read before I make a purchase -- and frankly, I'm beginning to feel that <u>everything</u> is an "either or" situation. I realize much in life is just that -- but I'm feeling a bit frustrated.

For example:
<li>I\'d like to add a Coral Beauty -- BUT it may hit on my clam and/or corals.</li>
<li>I\'d like to add a Powder Brown tang -- BUT it probably won\'t get along with my Yellow Tang or my Sailfin Tang.</li>
</ul>The fish I currently have are:
2 clowns
1 sand sifting goby
1 lawnmower blenny
1 6-line wrasse
1 yellow tang
1 salfin tang

I'd really appreciate any guidance on what could be good additions.

I had a coral beauty with a clam with no problems. Granted, that one is a gamble.

I don't see a problem with the tangs either.
With angels nipping clams and corals its really all according to the fish itself. Some won't nip, some will, some won't nip for 6 months, then they'll just go crazy. I say get one and keep an eye on him.
Thanks for the experience.

Sounds like the Tang is worth a try -- but the CB may be a gamble -- I'll ponder that decision further.

If you don't mind sharing a bit more of your experience:
<li>I've read that the Powder Brown Tang can be challenging to keep -- a bit delicate. Has that been the experience for you who have had one?</li>
powder blues and browns are delicate to say the least.

you can keep them with experience.
They could be aggressive towards eachother since the sailfin and the powder brown are in the same family, but if you saw Simon's tank, you'd think otherwise.
Jeez, can I get a list? What was the one that you couldn't remember?
I had a Coral Beauty for 3 years in my 65 mixed reef. Didnt touch a thing. Moved him into a 240 and he went nuts eating everything from my clams to my sps. So its just a gamble