Are they being social or wanting the same spot ?


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One night last week 3 of my rock flower anemone walked and all came to the same location from 3 different corners .
The 2 that are touching have done this before they spend a few weeks touching and move on and the smaller is new to this.
I don't know how they breed , only that they reproduce rather than split so maybe I'll get babies or maybe its a good flow area idk but its pretty and it looks like there holding hands.
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Rock flower anemones seem to like to communally cluster. There's a tank over on another forum/website that the owner's set up as a propagation system housing 20-30 of 'em. First few weeks they were spaced out in nice, neat rows. Now? "Clumps o' nems" everywhere!

LONG thread (SYNPOSIS: pages #1-19 tank start up drama, nems added around page #22, spawned page #36): http://IMwww.NOTnano-reef.LINKINGcom/topic/343455-my-rockin-flower-garden-all-good/">http://IMwww.NOTnano-reef.LINKINGcom/topic/343455-my-rockin-flower-garden-all-good/</a>

On the bright side she's has at least one or two spawning events and a bunch of babies turn up on the substrate. Bit of difficulty getting them to take hold and develop but not bad for a first try! Me? I have three in my little tank - each one's migrated all over the place AWAY from each other. Go figure. :roll: