As promised: First Update

dave green

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The system is starting to balance...

The flame bristletooth went to fishy heaven this morning... I kinda saw that coming since he almost never left his cave.

The diadem dottyback is still living in the sump (I'll figure out a new tank solution for this in the near future) with a whole bunch of live rock while his tail heals.

The juvie emperor has found his personality and now freely roams the tank and the yellow tang seems to have calmed down quite a bit.

The 8-line (6-line?) wrasse and the magenta dottyback seem to kissed and made up (although the wrasse had an incident with the anemone... he swam into the tentacles like a clown host would - I thought I was about to see something really neat... a wrasse hosting an anemone - and suddenly he darted the hey-yell outta there... ooops!)

The coral banded shrimp is acting like... well... a cleaner shrimp! He is being just as gentle as he could be with all the fish in there! I *never* saw that coming!

The mandarin is eating... or kissing the live rock a whole bunch.

Water still tests very well (just under .025 ammonia but everything else right on the nose where it should be - don't know about salinity - ... added some prime).

Skimmer still hasn't skimmed anything... I can't have that thing set up right... it's *gotta* get something by now, doesn't it?

Okay.... not sure I'm outta the woods yet... in fact, I'm betting probably not... but feeling a lot better about things in the tank than I was a week ago.

...just hope this isn't the proverbial calm before the storm...