ASM skimmer issues

I moved the skimmer to the basement, and added ~70 gallons to my system. After the first day I kept the skimmer quite low. Checked on it the next day and it hadn't moved a bit. I came back home after church (about an hour) and the dumb thing was spewing all over again. The bubbles prior to me leaving were about 3/4 the way up the main cylander.

Pics are posted at:"></a>
Thanks again for all the advice.
Thanks for all the help with the skimmer. I've opened the gate valve significantly and that seems to do the trick. It appears that the bubbles start out very low in the skimmer and within a few days steadily move up. Its seems to skim very little, but I only have 3 fish and about 160 gallons of water in my system. I might have been trying to push too much water up inside the skimmer.
