Atlanta Reef Expo 2019???


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My job requires me to request days off wayyyyyy in advance. Does anyone know the date of the 2019 Atlanta Reef Expo or if there will be one?

RAP Orlando had always been in early May in the past with no set date till early in Q1 of the year. Last year they moved it to the 1st weekend in April and locked the date in for 4 or 5 years at the Renaissance at Sea World. Our normal date would have been the week after and it would have been impossible to pull vendors in.

The second weekend of May falls right in the middle of RAP Orlando and the one in New York that's in June.
Hello my fellow Reefers, Would like to reserve a table for me again this year for the expo. Thanks
I have some promotional suggestions for the expo.

1) We need a flashy name... _____ (reef something) Atlanta
2) Create a marketing video. Perhaps @thomasvision would be willing to help.
3) Create a digital flyer
4) Send an email to all ARC users
5) Invite nearby and local YouTubers to attend
6) Advertise on Google and Facebook

I can help with any of these.
Hey Casey,

3) Jin is working on a flyer now.
4) On this site, emailing all users is much easier and we plan on doing at least 3 bulk mails leading up to the event.
6) We have done Facebook and we're working on expanding on that effort. Google is a good idea too.

We've created a new forum in the BoD section for those that are volunteering. Would you like to add your name to that list? ;)
We've created a new forum in the BoD section for those that are volunteering. Would you like to add your name to that list? ;)

Yeah, happy to help with whatever is needed. This will be my first and my tanks are need of lots of coral, so I want plenty of time at the expo itself, but I can help with anything leading up to it and a little bit of time at the expo.