Automating phyto/rotifer/pod/brine growing and dosing


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I would like to setup an automated system for growing and dosing life phyto and rotifers(and possibly brine and pods) to my tank. At the moment its just for picky eaters and general system feeding.

I would like to start with a simple decapped brine hatchery that I can hang on the tank and just let newly hatched brine into the system. I remember seeing someone that did something like this but I cant seem to find it.

I would like to be able to drop a small amount of decapped brine into the hatchery once a week or so and let it do the rest, but im wondering how effective it will be using regular tank water and not low salinity water.

Eventually I would like to setup something similar to this"></a>

either using dosing pumps, or a similar surge method. But on a much larger scale as my system is almost 500g and heavily stocked.

I have read through the sticky in the breeding forum on RC

and am basically just looking for a way to get an automated and nearly self sustaining system running. I dont mind if overall production is low, as long as it works with as little user input as possible and can avoid crashes.

So lets get some ideas flowing [IMG]" alt="" />
Good luck. I've found automation to be a lot of trouble. I do all of the above daily throughout the day. It would be great to automate, but I can't afford the potential disasters.
I believe Jeff had a box above his 90g that would dump them in. It was either that or a auto fish feeder. I wish I didn't have such a terrible memory. I'm tagging along for this one.
I dont plan on using this for breeding purposes, and my system is large enough to handle mishaps. I just want to keep alot of planktivores, and pod eaters(like pipes, wrasses and madarins)

Again I want to start with a simple brine hatchery and see how it goes and then work my way up to a full on critter doser :)"></a>

This will get you as far as the auto feeding if brine not sure about the rest
yup, but how exactly does that work? I need to build something with a larger capacity and fits in a specific area. I need diagrams!
That I can't tell you maybe try google and ask the phrase of how does " x. " work x being whatever the name of the auto feeder is
yeah tried that all i come up with is 2L bottles with a airator.

Hmm guess that design wouldnt really work well for a salt tank then since it keeps the brine water seperate based on the tank water being a lower salinity.
I saw once (and can't remember who amde it, I wanna say Deltec) an automated greenwater/rotifer breeding setup.
It looked like a pyramid and greenwater entered the lower rotifer cultures, which in turn overflowed into a tank.
It was 100% automated and just needed a feed pump and reservoir...
ahh found this"></a>

seems simple enough, im just wondering if it will work ok with the tank water being more salty then whats recommended for hatching....

lilRobb - thats just mean!
Im curious about that as well there is only one say to see how well it works