FutureInterest;195000 wrote: I've seen the asterina starfish kill zoas in my own tank. I had been having an issue with some zoas dieing. Sometimes they would end up inverting themselves... and sometimes they would just close up never to open again. I couldn't locate any of the usual zoa bugs so I was watching the tank late at night for whatever had been harming them. I watched in fascination as an asterina cruised over 3 polyps of bambams and paused on each one for a few minutes. I then removed it from the tank and kept it in a cup.
Those 3 polyps shriveled up and died over the next few daysand never opened up again. The rest of the colony was fine. All the polyps the day before were open as well. Could it have been that those 3 polyps were going to die anyways? That could be but I don't think so. So, I continued to watch my zoa colonies carefully and saw the same thing happen on two other separate occasions. Darren also reported seeing the same thing with some zoas in his tank and took the drastic step of removing the stars entirely which solved his zoa die-off.
So, I went postal and started removing the stars from the tank. I found that there were actually 3 different species of asterina in my tank. They look similar but they are different. Only one of those species harms zoas and it may not even do it intentionally. The perpetrator clearly can be found grazing on bare rock and on the glass. It is however most commonly found on the rocks. I don't know exactly what it eats, I imagine it eats film algaes and may simply be killing zoas to create more grazing room? I dunno, but I don't think it directly derives nutrients from the zoas.
What I do know is that after removing this particular species I stopped having zoa die off. I left the other two species in tact as asterina are general very benefitial to the tank. In my opinion this particular species was the cause... and unfairly gives the whole genus a bad rap. That is of course my opinion from personal observation. I wouldn't have suspected them at all though if others like Darren hadn't shared their findings.