Well after a long break from the hobby, I decided I was ready to jump back in middle of last year. I live in Opelika, AL and unfortunately there is not many resources in Auburn/Opelika area; so many of my purchases (equipment and livestock) have come from members of ARC or stores in the Atlanta area.
My previous time in the hobby, I started with a 40 breeder and within a few months upgraded to a 75 and then again to a 150. So this time around I wanted to go with a larger tank from the beginning so I started looking for a 6ft tank. I found a Marineland 220 for sale on here and purchased it in August 2020.
My goal was to get water in the tank ASAP and start the cycling process and then work on building a canopy and wrapping the plywood stand to make it presentable for the wife since the tank will be in the living room. I ordered the doors from a cabinet maker but everything else I did myself.
Tank: Marineland 220 with Exotic Marine 60” internal overflow
Sump: 75 gallon DIY
Rock and Sand: 150lbs of dry rock and 90 lbs of fine white crushed coral sand. Ordered online from addictive reef keeping. Edit: probably added another 50lbs of rock and sand for new total of 200 rock/150 sand
Equipment List:
Smart Power Strip: 4 Smart Outlets, 4 always on outlets and 4 USB Ports. Was thinking going to APEX route but ultimately decided to start with this and see how I like it. Might upgrade later. Edit: Added GHL Profilux and KH director
Flow: 2x Maxspect Gyre XF350, 3x MP 40,1x Jebao CP-120 Edit: Added additional 2 MP40s on back wall for total of 3 MP40s now
Return Pump: 65W Hygger DC pump running about 50% Edit:Added 25W Hygger DC return pump to add redundancy in case 1 of the return pumps fail Added 80W jebao instead of 25W so the return pumps will be balanced
Lighting: 5x Noopsyche K7 Pro II and 4ft 2 bulb T5 fixture Edit: added 2 81W 470nm led light bars
RODI/ATO: BRS 7 stage filter and RO line running from filter to ATO with level sensor and float valve (use smart plug to turn on ATO sensor 2x per day) Edit: Upgraded to 7 stage filter
Heater:Inkbird wifi temp probe with 3x Eheim 300W heater plugged in. No chiller needed as of yet Edit: now controlled by Profilux
Skimmer: RO Regal 250-INT with neck cleaner with air draw pulling from outside to help increase pH
Dosing:Jebao Wifi doser, currently dosing small amounts of Randy’s DIY 2 part Edit: upgraded to GHL dosers
Sump Filtration: 2 gallons of Seachem matrix in filter bags in sump; I started out with a refugium with chaeto but due to light spill I had algae growing everywhere in sump. I made a DIY floating ATS, the light spill is better but I am not 100% satisfied with this yet. Edit: Replaced DIY floating ATS with Turbo Aquatics L3 ATS
Reactor: Running BRS deluxe reactorwith carbon 24/7; change carbon ~1x per month with Rowaphos- replaced as needed Edit: no longer running any material in reactor currently
UV sterilizer: Jebao 55W sterilizer with 350gph pump
Auto Water Changer: Dualheaded Stenner pump; runs 20 min per day that changes out ~2 gal per day
Seneye Reef Monitor: Was using ammonia tester during cycle and first 4 months, now only use for PAR readings
Stock list:
2x Green Chromis (was 3 but 1 carpet surfed; have since added mesh to back of canopy)
2x Clownfish
1x Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp EDIT: RIP other tank mates ate him
2x Banggai Cardinals
1x Lawnmower Blenny
1x Flame Hawkfish
1x Hoevens/Melenarus wrasse
1x yellow coris wrasse
1x leopard wrasse
2x lyretail anthias(was 3 but the smaller one was bullied by the male L not sure if I want to add more, the 2 have been doing good for a few months now)
1x One Spot FoxfaceEdit: Re-homed Edit: added back
1x Blue Hippo Tang
1x Regal Angelfish
1x Moorish Idol
1x Achilles Tang
1x Dsjardin Salfin Tang
1x Copperband butterfly fish
Corals: mixed reef, too many to count. Am looking to add more SPS in the future.
I try to test all parameters I am wanting to control at least once every 2 weeks. I am testing alk and phosphates more frequently. Test kits used:
Salinity: VeeGee Refractometer and Tropic Marin High Precision Hydrometer
Temp: GHL Profilux, also backup cheapo digital thermometer
pH: GHL Profilux
ALK,- Hanna or GHL KH director
Phosphate,HR nitrate: Hanna
Calcium: Salifert or Red Sea Pro Calcium
Nitrate: Salifert and Nyos Edit: purchased HR nitrate kit from Hanna
Mag: Aquaforest, Salifert on order though because Aquaforest has been reading higher than expected
The struggles:
Overall I have been very happy with how things have progressed and the current state of my tank. I have had some issues along the way.
Disease management or QT:
My biggest cause of concern/headache was the decision to go the route of ich management vs full QT. I decided with Ich/disease management due to thinking that I do not have the capability to fully QT everything that goes into my system. I believe I could make QTing the fish work but I do not think I could QT all coral/CUC/etc. that would go in my system; I do not think I have the space to successfully do this and knowing one small mistake in my QT process could bring the disease into my tank. That is why I chose the management route. With that being said; I have not lost a fish to disease but Mo (my Moorish idol) did have white spots on him for a few weeks and it was extremely stressful. There was one point I thought he was taking a turn for the worse and I was researching QT setups and was preparing to go fallow and go the QT route. But all fish look good and healthy now so I continue with the management decision. TBD if this decision changes.
RTN and overall coral health:
I believe I have around 40 different corals in my tank. Originally, I was planning to have several different tangs but then I went and bought an angelfish and Moorish Idol so my stock list has changed some. I was planning to have an SPS heavy tank but I did and still do have some corals that might be a snack for them. The coral I lost that hurt the most was my yellow tip elegance; I also lost a trachy and some zoas to them.
I had some Acros that RTNed on me(early December.) I sent out an ICP test when I noticed the RTN, results of this test is later on in the thread. Lost a WD, rainbow milli, and fox flame; all lost all of their tissue within 24hrs. Those 3 were the last acros that I put in my tank, maybe that had something to do with, I don’t know? Other acros that have been in the tank longer are doing fine. I attributed the RTN to my phosphates finally starting to rise. I was feeding heavy due to additions of expert only fish and wanted to make sure they had plenty to eat. Phosphates jumped from 0.018 to .442ppm in a week so now I have reduced feedings to “normal”, increased light period for ATS, and added GFO to reactor.
Parameter Targets and latest Tests:
ICP test from Dec: https://lab.atiaquaristik.com//share/fa3d694b90cdbcc59331
Snip it for Excel sheet where I track my tests/notes

Future Plans:
I want to add another return pump to add a redundancy to this aspect in case the first pump goes out. I do not plan to add any more fish in the near future due to my minimalist rockwork and some aggression with current fish. Will be looking to add more sticks in the near future.
I appreciate any compliments, advice, or constructive criticism. I have read and learned a lot since jumping back into this hobby but there is still a lot more to learn. I will use this thread to document future successes and struggles in my journey. Thanks!
I realized I do not take enough pictures during the entire process but here are some pictures I found.
My previous time in the hobby, I started with a 40 breeder and within a few months upgraded to a 75 and then again to a 150. So this time around I wanted to go with a larger tank from the beginning so I started looking for a 6ft tank. I found a Marineland 220 for sale on here and purchased it in August 2020.
My goal was to get water in the tank ASAP and start the cycling process and then work on building a canopy and wrapping the plywood stand to make it presentable for the wife since the tank will be in the living room. I ordered the doors from a cabinet maker but everything else I did myself.
Tank: Marineland 220 with Exotic Marine 60” internal overflow
Sump: 75 gallon DIY
Rock and Sand: 150lbs of dry rock and 90 lbs of fine white crushed coral sand. Ordered online from addictive reef keeping. Edit: probably added another 50lbs of rock and sand for new total of 200 rock/150 sand
Equipment List:
Smart Power Strip: 4 Smart Outlets, 4 always on outlets and 4 USB Ports. Was thinking going to APEX route but ultimately decided to start with this and see how I like it. Might upgrade later. Edit: Added GHL Profilux and KH director
Flow: 2x Maxspect Gyre XF350, 3x MP 40,
Return Pump: 65W Hygger DC pump running about 50% Edit:
Lighting: 5x Noopsyche K7 Pro II and 4ft 2 bulb T5 fixture Edit: added 2 81W 470nm led light bars
RODI/ATO: BRS 7 stage filter and RO line running from filter to ATO with level sensor and float valve (use smart plug to turn on ATO sensor 2x per day) Edit: Upgraded to 7 stage filter
Skimmer: RO Regal 250-INT with neck cleaner with air draw pulling from outside to help increase pH
Sump Filtration: 2 gallons of Seachem matrix in filter bags in sump;
Reactor: Running BRS deluxe reactor
UV sterilizer: Jebao 55W sterilizer with 350gph pump
Auto Water Changer: Dualheaded Stenner pump; runs 20 min per day that changes out ~2 gal per day
Seneye Reef Monitor: Was using ammonia tester during cycle and first 4 months, now only use for PAR readings
Stock list:
2x Green Chromis (was 3 but 1 carpet surfed; have since added mesh to back of canopy)
2x Clownfish
2x Banggai Cardinals
1x Lawnmower Blenny
1x Flame Hawkfish
1x Hoevens/Melenarus wrasse
1x yellow coris wrasse
1x leopard wrasse
2x lyretail anthias(was 3 but the smaller one was bullied by the male L not sure if I want to add more, the 2 have been doing good for a few months now)
1x One Spot Foxface
1x Blue Hippo Tang
1x Regal Angelfish
1x Moorish Idol
1x Achilles Tang
1x Dsjardin Salfin Tang
1x Copperband butterfly fish
Corals: mixed reef, too many to count. Am looking to add more SPS in the future.
I try to test all parameters I am wanting to control at least once every 2 weeks. I am testing alk and phosphates more frequently. Test kits used:
Salinity: VeeGee Refractometer and Tropic Marin High Precision Hydrometer
Temp: GHL Profilux, also backup cheapo digital thermometer
pH: GHL Profilux
ALK,- Hanna or GHL KH director
Phosphate,HR nitrate: Hanna
Calcium: Salifert or Red Sea Pro Calcium
Mag: Aquaforest, Salifert on order though because Aquaforest has been reading higher than expected
The struggles:
Overall I have been very happy with how things have progressed and the current state of my tank. I have had some issues along the way.
Disease management or QT:
My biggest cause of concern/headache was the decision to go the route of ich management vs full QT. I decided with Ich/disease management due to thinking that I do not have the capability to fully QT everything that goes into my system. I believe I could make QTing the fish work but I do not think I could QT all coral/CUC/etc. that would go in my system; I do not think I have the space to successfully do this and knowing one small mistake in my QT process could bring the disease into my tank. That is why I chose the management route. With that being said; I have not lost a fish to disease but Mo (my Moorish idol) did have white spots on him for a few weeks and it was extremely stressful. There was one point I thought he was taking a turn for the worse and I was researching QT setups and was preparing to go fallow and go the QT route. But all fish look good and healthy now so I continue with the management decision. TBD if this decision changes.
RTN and overall coral health:
I believe I have around 40 different corals in my tank. Originally, I was planning to have several different tangs but then I went and bought an angelfish and Moorish Idol so my stock list has changed some. I was planning to have an SPS heavy tank but I did and still do have some corals that might be a snack for them. The coral I lost that hurt the most was my yellow tip elegance; I also lost a trachy and some zoas to them.
I had some Acros that RTNed on me(early December.) I sent out an ICP test when I noticed the RTN, results of this test is later on in the thread. Lost a WD, rainbow milli, and fox flame; all lost all of their tissue within 24hrs. Those 3 were the last acros that I put in my tank, maybe that had something to do with, I don’t know? Other acros that have been in the tank longer are doing fine. I attributed the RTN to my phosphates finally starting to rise. I was feeding heavy due to additions of expert only fish and wanted to make sure they had plenty to eat. Phosphates jumped from 0.018 to .442ppm in a week so now I have reduced feedings to “normal”, increased light period for ATS, and added GFO to reactor.
Parameter Targets and latest Tests:
ICP test from Dec: https://lab.atiaquaristik.com//share/fa3d694b90cdbcc59331
Snip it for Excel sheet where I track my tests/notes

Future Plans:
I want to add another return pump to add a redundancy to this aspect in case the first pump goes out. I do not plan to add any more fish in the near future due to my minimalist rockwork and some aggression with current fish. Will be looking to add more sticks in the near future.
I appreciate any compliments, advice, or constructive criticism. I have read and learned a lot since jumping back into this hobby but there is still a lot more to learn. I will use this thread to document future successes and struggles in my journey. Thanks!
I realized I do not take enough pictures during the entire process but here are some pictures I found.
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