Well the copper band started to slow down eating but he was still eating some just not as aggressive as when first introduced; I had to go out of town for a 3 day weekend to visit family and when I came back, he had passed.
I have heard that orange/klein butterfly fish were hardier and still aiptasia eaters but they would go after coral more than copper band. Since I already have a Moorish idol and angelfish, most of the coral on their menu I don't have anyway so I went ahead and ordered one of these to try. He wiped out my visible aiptasia within a few days, I'm sure I still have some in my tank that he cant get to, but I am not worried because between him and my filefish, they should keep the aiptasia in check. The kleins butterfly does nip at my pocillora, but I am OK with that if he continues to keep my aiptasia at bay.
Finally got my KH director online the end of last month, I calibrated the dosing heads with a dosing cup that measured in 5ml increments so my slow reagent dosing head wasn't very accurate but it was setup and working(about 1.5kh off from hanna). I ordered a gram scale that was accurate out to 0.01 units and re calibrated the heads, I am now normally 0.2-0.4kh higher on the KHD than my hanna tester. I was a little surprised though because most other people have the KHD read lower than hanna. I am not really chasing a specific number though, more concerned with consistency over time and a dosing pump/KHD is more consistent/accurate than me trying to hit the 10ml line on my hanna curvette the same every time.
I was testing my parameters last night and got to salinty so thought I would use my new salinity calibration fluid to check calibration my refractometer, I bought a VeeGee a few months back and it has been holding calibration rock solid. Uh Oh, the new calibration fluid is showing 40ppt instead of 35ppt. Still have some old calibration fluid, so cleaned the refractometer and put it on there, its reading 35ppt. So I don't know which one is right. I did put some RODI on it and the 0 lined up better when it was calibrated to 35ppt(old calibration fluid.) Pulled out my old swing arm, its showing my tank around 1.030sg. The last ICP test i had done in August showed salinity slightly higher than I expected, around 1ppt higher. So I am very confused but don't want to overreact so I am just going to leave things as they are until I can get some more calibration fluid to cross reference. Brightwell is what I had been using, ordered a Fritz and whatever amazons choice was, should be delivered tomorrow.

Finally got my KH director online the end of last month, I calibrated the dosing heads with a dosing cup that measured in 5ml increments so my slow reagent dosing head wasn't very accurate but it was setup and working(about 1.5kh off from hanna). I ordered a gram scale that was accurate out to 0.01 units and re calibrated the heads, I am now normally 0.2-0.4kh higher on the KHD than my hanna tester. I was a little surprised though because most other people have the KHD read lower than hanna. I am not really chasing a specific number though, more concerned with consistency over time and a dosing pump/KHD is more consistent/accurate than me trying to hit the 10ml line on my hanna curvette the same every time.
I was testing my parameters last night and got to salinty so thought I would use my new salinity calibration fluid to check calibration my refractometer, I bought a VeeGee a few months back and it has been holding calibration rock solid. Uh Oh, the new calibration fluid is showing 40ppt instead of 35ppt. Still have some old calibration fluid, so cleaned the refractometer and put it on there, its reading 35ppt. So I don't know which one is right. I did put some RODI on it and the 0 lined up better when it was calibrated to 35ppt(old calibration fluid.) Pulled out my old swing arm, its showing my tank around 1.030sg. The last ICP test i had done in August showed salinity slightly higher than I expected, around 1ppt higher. So I am very confused but don't want to overreact so I am just going to leave things as they are until I can get some more calibration fluid to cross reference. Brightwell is what I had been using, ordered a Fritz and whatever amazons choice was, should be delivered tomorrow.