Bacterial problem effecting SPS?


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Any idea what this is? It appears to be bacterial, I can’t find any signs of pests, and it moves with the current. I am considering treating the whole tank with Furan-2.

Hmm, the pic is really bad. Thanks for the link. I don't see this growth anywhere else in the tank, however, when I pulled the frag out to treat it, the material disintegrated like diatoms do. It might be secondary to the original die off. I'm going to move this red planet frag to my Coral QT tank and treat with Furan-2 and see what happens. I have some zoas that aren't opening and they could use a treatment too. I've been experiencing some random SPS losses and the strange thing to me is that it's never more than one coral at a time. I tried Interceptor on the first couple to see if it was pest related, but all I have found in the bottom afterwards are copepods. No eggs on the frags, and nothing I can see with my macro lens.
Doesn’t appear so but are there any corals near it that could be stinging it with sweepers? Pictures not the best but I’ve seen film similar after corals fight.
Jim aka Telegram on Instagram and YouTube had sps die off recently and vibrio infection was found to be on his corals- not the root cause of his problems, but it is what did his corals in. Lots of interesting 🧐 conversations about bacterial infections of corals going on right now.
This coral was wiped out in a period of about 8 hours, Furan -2 did not help, my zoas are better though.