Banggai Cardinal Starving


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I put 3 banggai cardinals in the tank (120g, 2.5 months in operation all levels correct) on Saturday. Fed them mysis and one of them ate a little that day. They haven't touched anything since then, tonight, one went belly up one is MIA and the third is just hanging around.

Should I be feeding them something else besides mysis? They don't touch pellets. I also have a flame hawk, a gobi & a coral beauty angel - all are eating and appear healthy. Any ideas?
try some bine shrimp soaked in garlic ,it like candy to them .the rule of thumb is one or two fish at a time.
Try some garlic extreme on their food, it is supposed to help with the fishes appitite. I would try some flakes as well. What are your parameters at?
If you got them on Saturday, their deaths may not be a result of your tank. If they were wild-caught, it may have more to do with stress related to capture methods or shipping.
Love that fish. I have tried twice with 2 fish each and lost them all. Some never ate and others would eat for about a week and then die. They are supposed to be hardy but I could not tell it. I have other fish that are not as hardy and they are doing fine in a reef tank. Just my experience.
My first bangaii cardinal lived in my tank for about 2.5 years. I lost him in my recent move, but he had survived three previous transitions, including one six-hour move. I had bought him from a fellow ARC member. I bought one from a store, and it did not survive long in my tank. One of the ARC members raises bangaiis, I believe. Also, one of the employees at Aquarium Outfitters in Athens has bred adn raised bangaiis. These CB individuals may be hardier.
I have a banggai with my two Clarkii. I feed them brine shrimp and they love it. I remember the banggai was stubborn at first, then he would voraciously eat the brine shrimp when I started it.
