BB's 190G Build

Ok the tank is up and running had some fun the first night, one joint was not glued and one bulkhead dripped a little but in all a good install here are the pictures so far. Lots of wiring and programing going on.

Here is the sump and the apex which are behind the tank in a unfinished room.
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The Tank with right after water filled
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Close up of the rock work
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After everything was running I realized the tank must not be as level as I thought. I used a 3 foot level on it but clearly that was not long enough. In fact the tank was so far off level that the L1 pump at full power could not get water high enough into the right overflow. So we drained the tank and shimmed the left side of the tank up as high as I could with about 8 shims... its not 100% level but the flow is pretty good now. The only issue I am having is the water level is slightly below the trim line. If I have the canopy down you can not notice it, but if the canopy is up you can see the water line is below the tanks trim. I think part of it has to do with the way the return pump is plumed going into the 2 inch UV pipe. I may get a M1 to run the UV and run that to one return and then us the L1 for the other side. Has anyone ever had an issue with the water level not being high enough in the thank? The other idea I had was to block a little of the overflow with some acrylic... maybe 1/4 inch which should cause the water level to rise... I just didn't want to have plastic showing in the tank.

I did some water test this week, Ammonia=0 Nitrite=0 Nitrate=very close to 0 PH (on apex) = 8.01 Phosphate was at .16 I think that was because of the type of dry rock used... I put some GFO and carbon in the reactors and the Phosphates have started to go down. I have not had the lights on for more than 45 min a day... I am going to start them up for 5 hours a day on acclimation mode with CW and RED at 95% reduction and everything else running at 75% reduction and see how the tank reacts!