beginer fish


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when starting a new tank besids damsels what other fish are good starders for a 75 gallon
What type of community/environment do you want to build? There are many great choices.
don't buy damsels to cycle your tank. there are a few ways to do so, but one is throwing a raw shrimp in few 6 hours or so. Don't get damsels unless you want damsels. they suck, imho.
Have you done any research or reading about keeping reef tanks? If not I think it would be beneficial to do so. Most here including myself would and will be more than happy to assist you with your new tank. It will be alot easier for you and us to help if you would research and read some of the books recommended to you in an earlier thread. I hope you don't take this in a negative light just some advice that might make this a little less complicated and much more enjoyable for you.
what do u mean buy enviornment and the persen at the fish store gave me some MICROBACTER7 so i can just put fish in and then put the microbacter7 in and then it creates the right bacteria for the fish to live in it is pretty cool in shorter terms it creates the perfect enviornment for the fish in just a few minutes
Please don't do that, yes, there are things that shorten the cycle, but you heading striaght into a disaster by doing so. Please, research, take your time. Tell us what your plans are, before you do anything.
grouper therapy;365325 wrote: Have you done any research or reading about keeping reef tanks? If not I think it would be beneficial to do so. Most here including myself would and will be more than happy to assist you with your new tank. It will be alot easier for you and us to help if you would research and read some of the books recommended to you in an earlier thread. I hope you don't take this in a negative light just some advice that might make this a little less complicated and much more enjoyable for you.


marienboy;365327 wrote: what do u mean buy enviornment and the persen at the fish store gave me some MICROBACTER7 so i can just put fish in and then put the microbacter7 in and then it creates the right bacteria for the fish to live in it is pretty cool in shorter terms it creates the perfect enviornment for the fish in just a few minutes

What fish store? WTH is "MICROBACTER7"? Feel free to use all the letters to make the whole word. They don't charge by the letter. ;)
Microbacter7 is beneficial bacteria, which is important but that is only one component of the process. You really can't just dump this in and away you go.

In all reality you need to go slow to get it right the first time and it will save you a lot of time energy and frustration.
mysterybox;365335 wrote: please don't do that, yes, there are things that shorten the cycle, but you heading striaght into a disaster by doing so. Please, research, take your time. Tell us what your plans are, before you do anything.

dough;365343 wrote: Microbacter7 is beneficial bacteria, which is important but that is only one component of the process. You really can't just dump this in and away you go.

In all reality you need to go slow to get it right the first time and it will save you a lot of time energy and frustration.

I will not believe in any miraculous "bacteria in a bottle" additives until proof can be cited. I should have googled to find the product name, my fault. The claim that it is "beneficial bacteria" is questionable to me. If it's not cultured before use, the chances are that it's dead bacteria.

I totally agree with going slow and getting it right. I failed there at first and learned my lesson the hard way. :(
You need to do a couple of things.
1. Learn what the "cycle" is.
2. Let your tank cycle.

If you'll read what some of the posters suggested, you'll understand what is happening and why it matters. It will probably be 3-4 weeks before you are ready for fish... and then only one or maybe a couple of small ones. You also need to develop a list of what you want, and then READ about their compatibility so you add them in the right order.

Try this link:"></a>

This takes time. Your last post is like saying, "I planted the seeds, can I eat the watermelons now?".

I'll make it even easier. Go get a test kit. You need at least Ammonia, Nitrate, and Nitrite. Get a real kit, not the little strips.

First you'll see ammonia. That's what the shrimp was for.
Once the first "wave" of beneficial bacteria become established, then you'll start to read nitrite.
At some point the second "wave" will colonize and the first two tests will start to read zero and you'll start to read nitrate. No bacteria dispose of this; it is dealt with through skimming and water changes.

At that point you are "cycled". During this month (or so), you'll need to test the water about every three days and feed the tank (even though there's nothing in it) every few days also.
And please spell check your posts - I have a really hard time understanding some sentences.

No negativity here - just if we understand what you need we will be able to tell you what to do.

My 125g sat with nothing but rock for 3 months:) SLOW DOWN! I have only been in the hobby for two years and KNOW NOTHING. Trust what this guys are telling you and slow down.
Ya, slow down. The fish and whatever else aren't going anywhere. I've heard this so many times, and now I realize it's true: take your time. That's it. Do some more research. A good idea is while the tank is cycling for a couple months, you can research the the stuff you want. When the tank is done cycling, you'll be done with your research, and WHALA! You have yourself a good starter. A lot of people don't know how to pass the time, and they don't realise that they could be doing SO much more than sitting around. So 1 thing: take your time. Your tank will be WAAY better that way!!
Hey guys, what kind of shrimp are we talking about here? I've always cycled my tanks with damsels, yeah I know it's cruel but they are hardy fish and all 3 of them survived and I actually got attached to them and kept them as family, hell they even out lived most of the fish I introduced afterwards. So, what kind of shrimp do I need? Is 1 enough to cycle a 34 gallon tank?
Go to Winn Dixie and get one fresh shrimp. I used 1/2 a shrimp for my 75. Pulled it out after 24 hours. DO NOT SNIFF IT!!!
okay now I'm need fish to poop in the tank to produce Ammonia to start the cycle, but if there are no fish because it's cruel then who the heck is going to poop in the tank? OMG I just figured it out, I've gotta Sh!t in my tank! lmao