Behind the scene tour GA Aquarium

cr500_af;324545 wrote: I hope, if an ARC tour is put together, they at least put a guide with us who will tailor the tour to enthusiasts. I imagine a lot of stuff gets left out due to patrons who know squat about reef-related matters.

No truer words ever written.......

99% of people would walk right past the giant skimmers there and not think anything about it.

Mean while, we'd be like........."Should we be bowing right now? We should probably bow.........."
Dakota9;324549 wrote: No truer words ever written.......

99% of people would walk right past the giant skimmers there and not think anything about it.

Mean while, we'd be like........."Should we be bowing right now? We should probably bow.........."

When I did my tour I was the only one that showed up
I told him about my background as far as the reef tank goes, and that I was a member of ARC, he never heard of us, and he said he has never given a tour to someone that know about the reef on my level.
After a while it seems he was leaving alot of stuff out, maybe he assume that I know what he is about to tell me or because it was just me and him on the tour.
He was a very nice guy though.
Towards the end of the tour I met a fellow ARC member, she is a Marine Biologist
don't remember her name, but I said hello.
I did enjoy the tour just being back there.

I would like to go back on the ARC group tour if it happen
I have a feeling it will be more informative than mine.
BrentonPrice;323757 wrote: Hey guys I am a Volunteer at the Aquarium and if u want to get a small group of people together I can get 50% off all behind the scenes tours for my guests.

what does a Voulunteer do there, do they work just with the reef section or they work all over the Aquarium
I am thinking about signing up if I can fit it in my Schedule.
We stopped and talked with Dr. Ritchie, who we know through the avian medicine program at UGA, the tour guide looked stunned that one we dared to approach him, and 2nd, that he knew us.
For the scale of things, it's awesome for the BTS tour, $50 is steep though.
You don't realize how big the place is until you see it from a different perspective.
Perhaps it would be a more in depth tour if the guide knew prior to taking it on that the group would be made up of hobbyists. Then again, the place is basically a series of big FOWLR tanks, a tour of the ORA facility would have more stuff related to us.
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wbrown;324649 wrote: We stopped and talked with Dr. Ritchie, who we know through the avian medicine program at UGA, the tour guide looked stunned that one we dared to approach him, and 2nd, that he knew us.
For the scale of things, it's awesome for the BTS tour, $50 is steep though.
You don't realize how big the place is until you see it from a different perspective.
Perhaps it would be a more in depth tour if the guide knew prior to taking it on that the group would be made up of hobbyists. Then again, the place is basically a series of big FOWLR tanks, a tour of the ORA facility would have more stuff related to us.

there is a $35.00 tour for the tropical driver tank and big tank, that's the one I went on

I am not sure if it was that price because I already paid General admission

maybe someone esle knows
pbyrmartin;324665 wrote: there is a $35.00 tour for the tropical driver tank and big tank, that's the one I went on

I am not sure if it was that price because I already paid General admission

maybe someone esle knows
these were the prices as of Yesterday, 3 persons, $150 in addition to general admission.
wbrown;324666 wrote: these were the prices as of Yesterday, 3 persons, $150 in addition to general admission.

I went Tuesday of this week
the lady at the info boot said they have two prices one for $35.00 and one for $50.00
I told if the $35.00 one had the Tropical diver on it I will take it
I seems like they don't sell alot of the $35.00 tours, they are more likely to sell you the $50.00 tour
pbyrmartin;324647 wrote: what does a Voulunteer do there, do they work just with the reef section or they work all over the Aquarium
I am thinking about signing up if I can fit it in my Schedule.

Volunteers work in all departments, from guest services, IT, commissary, water quality, administrative, to diving. There are between 1200-1500 volunteers. Some of our members work in all areas, including being Deepo!

Our last ARC behind the scenes tour was done by Dr. Bruce Carlson and Marj Awai, so there was no problem with hobbyist related questions :)
i dont post alot on here but i stop by everyday and read and i would be down to go on an ARC BTS tour
<span style="color: black"><span style="font-family: Verdana">I just caught this thread from a while back, but thought I'd try to answer the questions.</span></span>

<span style="color: black"><span style="font-family: Verdana">The large coral reef tank "SS-2" does receive weekly partial water changes. The (2) sandfilters are backwashed weekly, using about 1,400 gallons each (2,800g total or a bit over 1% of total exhibit volume). This is replaced with RO or ROSW depending on salinity. The backwash water is recovered and used for topping off other exhibits such as Ocean Voyager.</span></span>

<span style="color: black"><span style="font-family: Verdana">SS-2 does not have Sulpher Denitrification, it was set-up with it but the mangroves have made it unnecessary. Ocean Voyager and several other exhibits do currently have SDNU's running.</span></span>

<span style="color: black"><span style="font-family: Verdana">SS-2 has a 55'x65' starfire glass skyroof and the exhibit was also placed to receive the most possible natural lighting. 60-1,000MH lights were needed to supplement the natural lighting.</span></span>

<span style="color: black"><span style="font-family: Verdana">SS-2 and all other live coral systems receive RO water. All other incoming ATL city water undergoes carbon filtration.</span></span>

<span style="color: black"><span style="font-family: Verdana">SS-2 has 2 very large (~2,000gpm) Protein Skimmers. Ocean Voyager has 35.</span></span>