Berghia Nudibranch from


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I had recently placed an order with reeftown for 10 berghia nudibranch.
The order was sent on time and received however, counting I found only 8. I contacted reeftown and was back and forth with them for sometime to no avail. After 24 hours, following the acclimation proceduremi found that one of them didn't survive the shipping. I contacted reeftown again only to learn that any casualties needs to be reported within 2 hours of receiving. Mind you, the nudies, upon arrival, are in shock and looks dead all together. There's no way to tell if they are alive until they physically leave the container they were shipped with on their own, which takes much more then 2 hours.
After additional communication, were the owner of reeftown became quite nasty, I told him I wasn't happy and ended the conversation with that.
I was then issued a refund on 3 nudies with a promise that I would never be allowed to shop there again...
Unfortunately, it seems this is currently the only source for berghia nudibranch, just be mindful and make sure you document everything if you are dealing with this company.
Premier carries them now and then. I am sure if you asked they could special order sme for you. Suck to hear about your order with reeftown