Berghia Nudibranch


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I have an aptasia problem that is out of control. I can't keep a copper banded butterfly due to my carpet anemones, peppermint's get consumed by my lobster, I have more aptasia's then there is joe's juice, and chemically burning them with kalk in the quantity I have sends my PH up.

So I'm down to my last option. Berghia Nudibranch's

I'm looking to place an order either next week or the following week for some of these. Anyone want to go in with me on some? The price drops based on the number purchased as well as shipping can be split up. So if any one is interested PM me or post on this thread.

BTW I live in Acworth.


Just to let you know I bought 3 Berghia in January and to be honest I really don't think they are worth the money. I have only seen one of the Berghia recently and I watched him go up to a small aptasia and he didn't even consider eating it. My aiptasia have been growing ever since without any reduction in population. In my case I am probably going to buy some Peppermint Shrimp and see how they fair. I am sure that once I put the shrimp in the Berghia will meet it's end quickly! Good luck!
I agree... Berghia are SELECTIVE eaters that alot of times do not eat in capivity. Save your money (and the life of an animal) and find other solutions.
Unfortunatly I've tried everything else, and I have a lot of them, and I mean a lot. I suspect I have somewhere in the thousands.

Get a case of beer, some reef buddies, a gallon of Joe's Juice (Or hot water) and make a night of it.

You can try the nudi's and I hope they work, but if the problem is in the thousands I do not think one or two of any animal will solve the problem. You need an army at that point.

Prior to me having the carpet anemone's I had a copper banded for about a year and a half. It took about 6 months, but it did the trick he removed all the aptasia and when I got him I had a similar infestation. Now I've had the anemone's about a year and the infestation is back with a vengance, and no manual removal will do it.

If I tried complete manual removal I would have to remove every rock in the tank spray every hole, and this concept is pretty much unreasonable.
Everytime that I've sprayed in the past month they are back in 2 - 3 days.

I tried peppermints last week and the peppermints were gone by the next day. I now have easily spent 80 - 100 dollars to remove these ###### things.

To spend another 80 - 100$ why not???? :mad2:

BTW you know how much a gallon of joe's juice would cost, I suspect about $500

Have you considered temporarily moving the lobsters to another tank or getting rid of it all together so you can keep peppermint shrimp?
The options of removing items to elimiate the issue is a possibility, but I would consider this my last. The lobster is skilled at hiding, so my least favorite option is removing him since I would probably need to pull all the rock to get him out (see joe's juice above).

However, my next option is to pull the carpet's which I have been mulling over. If I did that I pretty much will have to sell them since I don't have any other system to keep them in.:sad: I don't think I'm ready to get rid of them.

If I did that I could get another copper banded, and my problem is solved, but at a significant cost. So no matter what this isn't easy.

Why is everyone so opposed to trying the nudibranch's? If it takes a year it takes a year, but they will be gone forever.

The only issue I know of with using Berghia (other than they aren't working for me) is that once they consume the aiptasia they food source is gone and they will die. The chances of seeing one and removing it are risky since they are very delicate nudibranches. Just my 2 cents but the 3 i bought were definitely not worth the $80+ I spent! But you never know, they might work for your situation. Different systems have different parameters, etc. Good luck!
I appreciate the head's up, but I'm really at my wit's end with this. Thanks for your input.

Rob... I understand your plight and I do not envy your situation. If you need a place to "hold" your carpet, I am sure one of use would babysit for you.

I hope you get it all worked out.
rhomer wrote: I have an aptasia problem that is out of control. I can't keep a copper banded butterfly due to my carpet anemones, peppermint's get consumed by my lobster, I have more aptasia's then there is joe's juice, and chemically burning them with kalk in the quantity I have sends my PH up.

So I'm down to my last option. Berghia Nudibranch's

BTW I live in Acworth.


I feel your pain on this one. I have now tried all 3: Shrimp, Copper Banded and Berghia's.

I have tried Behghia's twice. Last time I dropped a bundle and got a bunch.

I don't know the why's, but they did not make a dent in either of my tank's Aiptasia population. I suspect either something is eating them, or my water flow is just too high. Or they simply can't keep up with them in those tanks.

What I have found the most effective with them so far is to move the rocks, a few at a time, to a QT tank and let them eat them there. I see their eggs, so I know they are doing pretty well. If the eggs hatch and grow, as they are supposed to, then you should have a good population to help. I got mine at: (I can't get in right now, but I think they are still around).

They were VERY helpful, and actually walked me through how I should use them. While they don't say so outright, they really recommend a QT. It seems they can actually be eaten by the larger Aiptasia, or get stung. They need to "gang up" and attack those in groups. There are some photos on line of that at one of the sources (don't remember where).

Now the part I have yet to work is getting the rocs out of the tank without taking the Berghia's with me... I looks like once they get big in a quiet tank, they are pretty easy to find and remove. They have stripped all of the small ones off my rocks, and even some of the larger ones. I am kind of waiting to see what their "limits" are.

I would recommended that you hit the larger ones with kalk, vinegar or Joes Juce before you QT them... More on that a bit later.

I recently got some of those Peppermint's at CBA.. they offered to let me try them against some Aiptasia, and they (the ones they have) really do eat them. Again, however, if they are BIG they may not do much. Initially, I did not see any difference. A few weeks after I put them in, I did a sweep with Joes Juce. I noticed a bit later that even my Emerald Crabs were eating the "dead" Aiptasia (might be more hungry with the shrimp in there).

So, this addressed my biggest problem: After a hit with Joe's or any other method, the ones I killed would die, but about 20 more would appear within days. I would vacuum what I could up after hitting them, but any pieces left would take root and grow. The shrimp (and now my Coral Banded) seem to keep them under control after a sweep.

FWIW, extra PH is not usually nearly as bad as too low, and mine settles down in a matter of a few minutes. Also, you can switch off with vinegar (hot... everything helps) to balance it out if you need to.

So, in my experience so far, a combination of approaches is needed for a really bad infestation. You may have to QT SOMETHING, however, given your lobster... perhaps do an in-tank QT.

Oh, and as to the nudibranches starving to death... I can't believe you could not find a home for them somewhere in the club or the local stores. I could only hope that no one would be needing them any more!

One other thing: putting the live rock in a dark part of the sump won't help either... in fact, that is how the Berghia suppliers force them to spread.

My two cents..

All I have to say is WOW, thanks for sharing all your experience with this, and taking the time to tell me. I spent a day reading about the nudibranch's and read a lot about getting them to breed outside the show tank before you introduce them.
At this point I'm not sure what to do.

The more I think about this, the more I'm leaning towards selling the 2 carpets.

Removing the rock isn't really an option since I have numerous corals either attatched to the rock or attachted to the rock and glass.

ROB, SOrry you are selling them. I heard they were a big part of your tank. Like I said, maybe someone willl babysit them while you get your tank in order.
Thanks everyone for the help. I have decided that the nudibranchs are not the answer, enough of what Mike said I also had read from some articles at reef central (I think). So I'm not putting in an order. I have decided (quite reluctantly) to sell the anemone's. The only thing that keeps me sane about this decision is that I know where they are going and both are going to great homes. This is one of the hardest losses I've had with my tank by far.
