Berghia Nudibranchs?


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So I have been battling an aptasia outbreak for well over 6 months. Lemon Juice, Joe's Juice, and aptasia X...Yes all work pretty good they kill the one's that i target but within 1 week the area that the one i killed was in is now covered in 4-5 more little bitty ones. I have tryed butterfly fish (worked but also got my ORA Plum Crazy in the process) worked but only lasted in there for about 4-5 days. So then I find a website that sells Berghia</em> Sea Slugs $13 each and would need about 5 per 10gallons of water...So that would meen I need 50...OUch...expensive...I am running an 20wuv bulb in chiller that the buld is less than 3 weeks old in...Anyone else do/know anything else that could work in a heavly overrun tank of i have Priceless amounts of ORA colonies all fairly large and dont want to have to tear it down due to aptasia?

Any knowledgeable post about this issue would be amazing bc that would save me alot of money if I didnt have to go that route

My wife had amazing results with two "true" peppermint shrimp in a 30g.
My mystery wrasse "loves" pepermint shrimp...he has killed 4 in a row now
You see the think is with all these products you have tried to use, you have to make sure that you coat the suckers good in it. When aptasia get brined by these products, they will release their eggs so to speak so you end up with more than you started with. Just turn the flow off in your tank and coat their disks really good with the products if you decide to use them again. It took some getting use too when I tried aptasia x, but got the hang of it had to coat the f&gt;(k3r$ good!
I turn all my flow off in tank 10min prier to using any of the above...I coat them to the point that they are well over saturated and watch them die almost instant...but the more I kill the worse it gets
And Acroholic pls do chime in...I have got to do something as it is slowly taking over
achro you out there? or others that have successfully taken care of the problem?
There is a small file fish that my father got from Warehouse Aquarium that eats aptasia...don't remember what kind it was but it worked for him.
Dartfrog;521296 wrote: There is a small file fish that my father got from Warehouse Aquarium that eats aptasia...don't remember what kind it was but it worked for him.

Oddly enough it's called an aptasia eating filefish! :)

I'm not sure about their survivability once the aptasia is gone though...similar to some people's experience with the CBB.
green file fish (Acreichthys tomentosus) is the name if it. After doing a little reading it seems that once the tank is cleared of the aptasia, is when it seems to look for other corals.
Had a very bad infestation with aptasia and mojanos in a 110 primarily lps and zoos. I added 3 tahiatian butterflys and all aptasia were gone in about 3 weeks. The butterflies did not mess with any of the zoos and went to eating spectra pellets. I had tried the berghia but they did not touch the larger aptasia. The butterflies were relatively inexpensive $24 ea
I tryed a butterfly fish (cant member the name it was also cheap like 20bucks) it did eat aptasia but also destroyed some sps in a matter of 1week
Smoothie;521323 wrote: No they are not.

True of most filefish, yes. Plus they can get HUGE! I believe the one in question is considered a "with caution" specimen and only grows to be 4 inches or so. If kept well fed, it might not go after corals.
Raccon butterflies and many others will - the tahiatian appears for the most part to have less affinity -the ones I added did not touch clams, euphylia, leathers,gonipora,gsp, favia or mushrooms.
rtackett;521370 wrote: Raccon butterflies and many others will - the tahiatian appears for the most part to have less affinity -the ones I added did not touch clams, euphylia, leathers,gonipora,gsp, favia or mushrooms.
But the difference is my tank is almost 99% ORA SPS...Everytime I have seen a butterfly/angel they were muching on sps...Even Mike's tank (mufret) had one in there he was getting rid of that was munching on an sps while I was there...But his coral's grow so fast it probably didnt bother him as it would me as some of my ora colonies are small....Most of his at that time were 8"+ (that was 3 or so years ago)...

I am just trying to safest way to rid myself of aptasia while preserving my coral's...I do beleave that all the spot on stuff works but for 10 or less aptasia...I have a crap load of them and when i use it I end up with more than I started with

When Kimberly Hall for GAA spoke this week she said she had great success with dumping salt mix on them.