Berghia Nudibranchs?

My 300 was covered with aptasia. I put 12 Nudi's in the tank, 2 months later, apthesia all gone. I found some for 10 dollars a peice.

I've got one of the little green file fish from Warehouse Aquarium. No problem with it bugging the corals so far. Mine seems happy with pelletized food and whatever pods and such are swimming around. It's only 2" long. This isn't anything like a big whitespot, orange or scrawled filefish. It is more like the little file fish you sometimes see hiding in gorgonians (if you dive in the caribbean). It's extremely good at camoflage. It will be hanging out right in the middle of the tank against a rock and I won't be able to find it.
We had a break out a 18 months ago. Got a copper banded butterfly and two weeks they were gone with no signs of them in the display tank. He is still with us and I have never seen him touch any corals.
Okay, I have read all this, and still do not know how to proceed for my 25 gallon tank. I have used Aptasia X with the same success as jeep. Now I have them multiplying and growing beyond control. I tried peppermint shrimp (true) on 2 separate occasions. First 3, then 2 more. Each time they lasted 3 days or less. Either the Yellow Tang, the Strawberry Pseudochromis, the Clown (highly unlikely) or the Dragon Goby ate them. I've been told that any fish will also eat the coral. There are too many now to attack one by one. Some are in places I would never be able to get to them sufficiently. My next step, I think, is the Berghia Nudi's. Looking for advise and the best place to get them...price is important too. Thanks!!!