Hello everyone I’m working on starting a 75g coral farm style tank. Mostly egg rate with coral on top and live rock for filtration underneath. The tank has no sump and thus is limited in filtration methods. I was planning on a simple HoB style filter but they are just so freaking loud in my bedroom and any submersible filter is either under powered or very expensive. I did some digging and found that a lot of older tanks ran on what is known as the Berlin Method. Basically all of the filtration is ran by having high flow and a lot of live rock. This combined with low fish stocking apparently makes for some very stable and simple reef tanks. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this style and can comment on its effectiveness and possible pitfalls. I have also been thinking of running a HoB filter only during the day with only mechanical and chemical filtration to help out without disrupting the biological filtration. The tank would be only coral with most likely a single tomini tang.