Best Algae Eater for a Frag Tank Is.....?

linda lee

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For hair algae in particular, which has the best appetite and does the most efficient job?

~ Tang? If so, what kind?

~ Lawnmower Blenny?

~ Sea Hare?

~ Or ___________?

What works for you?
When I had hair algae, the only thing that worked for me, and it worked very well, was a sea hare. Nothing else would even touch it, but the sea hare tore it up. :yes:
sea hare cleaned up my frag tank in just a couple weeks. So fast, I just gave him to Mojo to work on his tank. :) They are awesome, just make sure you pass 'em forward when your hair algae is no more or they will die. Tim has nice sized ones on sale I believe, that's where I picked mine up.
Another consideration is the size -- 40g

Probably too small for a tang unless I can get a very small one.

And I worry about a lawnmower blenny jumping.

Sea hare might be my best bet.
We tried a lettuce nudibranch but the darn thing kept getting in the overflow so we tried it in another tank where it got sucked up the intake. Is this the same as or different than a sea hare?
fish1344;332493 wrote: How would a lawnmower blenny do with lots of flow?

Mine eats the alge directly off the wetsides of my Vortech MP40W's. He also sits in my hand while he eats algae sheets but that's not really related. :)
We had a lawnmower blenny leap to his death out of our 125g. You don't really cover frag tanks, do you? So I guess that's just a chance we'd take.

I've also seen wrasses in frag tanks. Why? Pests?

Another fish I've seen often in frag tanks are mandarins. I thought all they did was eat pods all day?
Lettuce nudibranchs are definitely different and I had the same problem with them going into the overflow. I also don't think they do much at least not for the types of green hair algae I have had. The sea hare is excellent at going through hair algae and is misnamed, it should be sea hog. But the problem is they will starve once the algae is gone.

Leslie;332490 wrote: We tried a lettuce nudibranch but the darn thing kept getting in the overflow so we tried it in another tank where it got sucked up the intake. Is this the same as or different than a sea hare?
Six-line wrasses are great in a frag tank to take care of things like flatworms. I think Spotted Mandarins are good for this as well. I keep a lawnmower blenny in my frag tank but it only eats short algae like what gets on the glass and do keep my frag tank covered with egg crate.

Linda Lee;332501 wrote: We had a lawnmower blenny leap to his death out of our 125g. You don't really cover frag tanks, do you? So I guess that's just a chance we'd take.

I've also seen wrasses in frag tanks. Why? Pests?

Another fish I've seen often in frag tanks are mandarins. I thought all they did was eat pods all day?
I keep a Yellow Tang in my 30 he does a great job. When he gets to big I trade him in for a smaller one.
Barbara suggested a small tomini tang to me. I was gonna go check one out at Imagine, but am worried it's already too big for me, may be good for ya'lls!
Linda Lee;332501 wrote: We had a lawnmower blenny leap to his death out of our 125g. You don't really cover frag tanks, do you? So I guess that's just a chance we'd take.

I've also seen wrasses in frag tanks. Why? Pests?

Another fish I've seen often in frag tanks are mandarins. I thought all they did was eat pods all day?

That surprises me. My lawnmower blenny never leaves the bottom or the rocks. You'd think he was weighted down. Maybe I'm just lucky!
My Mimic Tang is always munching on algae in my tank. He's also small, and hasn't grown much in the 8 or so months that I've had him. I'm not sure what the full-grown size will be, but so far, so good.

- Brad
GordoB;332672 wrote: My Mimic Tang is always munching on algae in my tank. He's also small, and hasn't grown much in the 8 or so months that I've had him. I'm not sure what the full-grown size will be, but so far, so good.

- Brad

So.... you'll sell him to me for how much?

How's mama and the new baby doing? And are you getting any sleep?

I would opt for a sea hare, followed by a small tomini tang. They stay pretty small and would take a long time to outgrow a 40 breeder.
Sorry Linda. I haven't been on here for a few days. I thought for a minute that I might want to sell him to you, but I don't think I can part with the little guy.

Mommy and Sophie are doing well. Mommy is almost fully recovered, and Sophie sleeps ALL the time! She is totally the opposite of how Riley was. She didn't sleep much at all. Sophie wakes up 2 or 3 times during the night to eat, and that's about it. I'm still tired because of those interruptions per night, but it's really not bad at all. Thanks for asking! (You rabbit-trailed your own thread, by the way!)

- Brad