Best Aptasia removal for nano?

I bought 4 a few days ago and all they seem to do is hang out my the top of the corner flow. I have yet to see them really move around the tank
I tried peppermint shrimp a few times. You have to make sure to get the right species of them. I had a few that worked well until my wrasse ate them all. I got another batch later on and put them in an acclimation box with some rocks/frags that had aptasia. They are those over night but when I released them into the tank they completely ignored any aptasia. Figures.
I found with aptasia x you have to inject directly into the oral disk to kill it. If aptasia are irritated they will release spores and spread even more.
I try to use it where it covers the disk. I turn all power heads and pumps off for at least 15 mins to make sure it doesn’t get blown off and they still pop right back up.
Only because I hate to see people struggle, I am going to note again that adding a filefish utterly destroyed my hundreds of hard-to-teach aiptasia in a matter of 2 weeks. And it has never nipped at a coral. Mileage may vary, sure. But Peppermint Shrimp never did anything for me, the chemicals did nothing, manual removal did nothing, citric acid did nothing.
In the pass I have struggled with get rid of Aiptasia via filefish, peppermint shrimps and Aiptasia X but no lucky getting rid of Aiptasia or get the fish/shrimp to eat them. What I learned through experiment with isolating peppermint shrimp in small tank with Aiptasia and don't feed them for a day or two, the shrimp will be force to eat aiptasia like they should. once it started to eat Aiptasia, i kept it in isolated tank for another day or two keep feeding them with Aiptasia to ensure they are actually consumed aiptasia and you don't see aiptasia in the isolate tank. once confirmed that the shrimp ate the aiptasia then you can release them in the DT.

I've been battling Aptasia in my nuvo 25 for a few months. I've been using Red Sea Aptasia X and it seems every time I use it I get several more that pop up. I make sure that the Aptasia take it in as if they are feeding and turn return pump as well as the wavemaker off for at least 15 mins to make sure that the paste stays on them. Any ideas if I'm doing something wro

I've been battling Aptasia in my nuvo 25 for a few months. I've been using Red Sea Aptasia X and it seems every time I use it I get several more that pop up. I make sure that the Aptasia take it in as if they are feeding and turn return pump as well as the wavemaker off for at least 15 mins to make sure that the paste stays on them. Any ideas if I'm doing something wrong?
Check you pm
I've been battling Aptasia in my nuvo 25 for a few months. I've been using Red Sea Aptasia X and it seems every time I use it I get several more that pop up. I make sure that the Aptasia take it in as if they are feeding and turn return pump as well as the wavemaker off for at least 15 mins to make sure that the paste stays on them. Any ideas if I'm doing something wrong?
Ive also had good luck with Aptasia X but it is a ongoing maintenance I need to do weekly or so.