Best Local Stores or Online Stores that Quarantine or Copper Treat Fish

Hardy Reefs

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Columbus, GA
For someone who is unable to maintain a QT tank, where are some places you all trust to get good healthy fish who won't come straight into your system disease ridden.

I do understand that there is never going to be a 100% chance for clean fish buying from retailers, but I want to get take as many precautions as I can.

Please list your favorite places and websites below! Thanks!
Dr Reef, Fishotel are the two I can remember off the top of my head. I don’t have any experience with Fishotel but all my fish in my newest setup tank have come from Dr Reef. All the fish have been healthy and eating with no problems whatsoever. I had 1 DOA on a sea hare and they didn’t ship one fish because it wasn’t eating. They are shipping replacements for both livestock.
Thank you so much for that response. This kind of site is exactly what I am looking for. Seems like they do a good QT process and at a very fair price. Not much more expensive than a LFS who does no quality control at all either!

Any of the fish stores around you guys do anything like this?
I have found Dr. Reef to be great, particularly if you are looking for a rare fish and want someone else to take on the financial risk of the fish not making it through QT. If I were stocking a tank from scratch, though, that would be expensive. I still have my QT gear in the basement, but once you start QT-ing successfully, you use your QT gear less and less, because fish stop dying!
Could you explain what the issues were that you came across with Dr Reef? Just so I can make sure I avoid the same if possible..
Multiple bad shipments with high mortality and then not sending replacements unless I placed new orders.
For someone who is unable to maintain a QT tank, where are some places you all trust to get good healthy fish who won't come straight into your system disease ridden.

I do understand that there is never going to be a 100% chance for clean fish buying from retailers, but I want to get take as many precautions as I can.

Please list your favorite places and websites below! Thanks!
Pure Reef in Alpharetta keeps most of their fish in copper and low salinity. (knock on wood) I've never gotten a fish with any visible signs of disease from them.
Multiple bad shipments with high mortality and then not sending replacements unless I placed new orders.
Now that would make me upset also. I definitely would have to mention this before placing an order with them because that just doesn't seem right. Do you remember where they ship from by chance?
Pure Reef in Alpharetta keeps most of their fish in copper and low salinity. (knock on wood) I've never gotten a fish with any visible signs of disease from them.
That is super helpful. I know disease could happen to any fish at any store, but places that go just an extra mile like that is exactly what I am looking for!
That is super helpful. I know disease could happen to any fish at any store, but places that go just an extra mile like that is exactly what I am looking for!
Many stores run low levels of copper in their fish only tanks to keep diseases at bay, they are not levels that eradicate problems.
Many stores run low levels of copper in their fish only tanks to keep diseases at bay, they are not levels that eradicate problems.
Definitely. Petco is the only store here that sells Saltwater fish, so just running low copper levels is a step above what I can get locally LMAO!!
Many stores run low levels of copper in their fish only tanks to keep diseases at bay, they are not levels that eradicate problems.

This is actually a problem in my eyes. I picked up a small blue tang from pure reef and within 2 days it was COVERED in ich. Luckily it was in a QT tank so I could treat it.

If a store actively runs low levels of copper this is NOT a good thing. Its not helping, its hiding problems.

If you cant QT your fish, honestly just dont worry about it. You are better off buying local and seeing the fish with your own eyes. If its healthy and eating well in the store you will rarely have a problem.

All that said, I have gotten most of my fish in the past decade from Nemo's because they have the best prices and survival rates of the stores near me.
This is actually a problem in my eyes. I picked up a small blue tang from pure reef and within 2 days it was COVERED in ich. Luckily it was in a QT tank so I could treat it.

If a store actively runs low levels of copper this is NOT a good thing. Its not helping, its hiding problems.

If you cant QT your fish, honestly just dont worry about it. You are better off buying local and seeing the fish with your own eyes. If its healthy and eating well in the store you will rarely have a problem.

All that said, I have gotten most of my fish in the past decade from Nemo's because they have the best prices and survival rates of the stores near me.
"its hiding problems"
My point exactly, it keeps problems at bay only. I don't expect stores to do a full medicated quarantine, it would be time and cost prohibitive for them, I take full responsibility for that myself.
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All good thoughts.. Someone from the community needs too step up, quit their day job, and just run a full on QT operation for ARC!!! 🤣
A 10 gallon qt tank is pretty easy and inexpensive to maintain. I've had one running for 3 years now.