Best macro algae?


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I am going to be setting up a HOB fuge soon and am wondering what the best macro is for it. I don't mean to take away from your question but I thought it would be a good time to ask.
Maroons15, please be considerate of others when posting questions; please do not hijack people's thread. I've moved this post into it's own thread.
Will do.Thank's Chris. I didn't think that it was important enough to post a seperate thread. My apologies. I need to work on my People skills.
Chaeto is the best in my opinion. No real chance of it turning sexual. Good at removing the junk you do not wat. Grows well but easy to control. Does not need to be attached to anything. Caulerpa is too much like Kudzo for my liking. If you must go with it, I would suggest Caulerpa Prolifera. Ulva is a great one if and when you can find it.. .I used to try to keep some to feel my tangs. Have not seen it around these parts though.
I think i'll try the caulurpa just because it grows fast. Should I put some rocks also in the fuge? or just sand. Should I get sand or that MUD stuff?
I would second the chaeto. I'll give you some, if you want. Grows quick, easy to manage, exactly what Xyzpdq0121 said.
Jmaney: I am looking for a bit more chaeto if you got some to spare. I am setting up a charity tank for the Atlanta center for the deaf, I am looking for all the cheap things I can get. :) I just can not spare any out of my tank right now.
no worries, I can spare a wad. the only rub is i live in the middle of <u>nowhere!</u></em> I may be down towards ATL this weekend, but I'm unsure.
Maroon: Different types of macro need different things to grow on. I had a list somewhere but I can not remember where it is or where I found it online. Caulerpa will grow on most anything so you are good there. I know people like to keep it in more sand because it is easier to tear when you need to get rid of some. (NOTE: DO NOT cut the stuff, That is bad JueJue. ) Also note that you need to light your HOB fuge 24/7 if you go with Caulerpa.
Ah thanks for bringing up the lighting. I wasn't sure if I needed to leave it on 24/7. Jmaneyapanda I live pretty close to you I think so when I get this thing set up if you have any Cheato I'll buy some.
No worries I also live in the middle of no where. Literally my neighbors are squirrels, deer, foxes, turkey, cyotees, and even sometimes bears lol. But i've never seen one. Im sure you probably have those in Blue Ridge. Oh and we also have wild pigs. Lol I had no clu ehow to spell Borh so I went with wild pigs. They are HUGE>

Let me know when you are ready for some macro's. I have several types of Caulerpa and some Cheto.

Oh yeah. I totally forgot about that offer. Ill definatly take you up on that. I appriciate it. Also might you happen to have any more Zoa's from your Zoa tank?
jmaneyapanda wrote: no worries, I can spare a wad. the only rub is i live in the middle of <u>nowhere!</u></em> I may be down towards ATL this weekend, but I'm unsure.

Awsome, I could use all the crap I can bed, borrow or buy for a good price. I work as a real estate appraiser so I am around the city on a daily basis. Not as far up as Blue ridge but I do have to do some stuff in Lula this next week, maybe I could plan something out to meet up. If you are down in atlanta this weekend, even better.
Bryan: ya if not kept in light 24/7 the macro will turn sexual and release some pretty nasty stuff in your tank.
Well Xyzpdq0121 thanks for the heads up. We wouldn't want that now would we. But wait. I used to have Macro in my ten gallon in the main tank. The lights went out every night and nothing happend..?
Caulerpa is a great macroalgae that is prolific, easy to care for, and good at exporting nutrients if carefully harvested on a regular basis. (You should not cut branches instead each frond must be carefully hand picked and extracted to thin the colony.) It is prone to "go sexual" and release its cellular material into the water under the right circumstances, and it also produces substances which are potentially toxic to some corals (very much so to stonies). One of the conditions is the light cycle the other is the size of the colony that you are keeping.

Cheato does not have nearly this many problems. I have always lived by the saying, "friends do not let friend buy Caulepra". In small enough supply it does not have as many problems but just be forwarned.

I suggest doing some serious reading on the Macros you are planning to get before you decide on one. They are not just grass. :)
yeah please elaborate on the macro sex juice... I'm curious cause I have mine fuge on alt schedule with tank to help with PH. I haven't noticed any adverse affects from the macro, at least that I can see. Is it just certain kinds or something? I have Grape Caulerpa and Taxifolia currently oh and some red stuff that I was given but its still small.

Like he said the conditions have to be favorable and there has to be a large amount of it. I am definatly going to be looking into macro and am going to do some more research.