Best nano cube tank?


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One of my coworkers is looking into getting a nano tank for her office. I've never had any of the ready-to-go cubes, so I thought I'd ask if anyone could suggest any particular brand/style. She's looking at the 12 gallon Aquapod and Nano Cube, but if there are better brands out there, I'm sure she'd be interested. Does anyone have any suggestions or feedback they can give? I know this isn't the WTB forum, but if anyone would like to sell their tank, she might be interested in it too.

I think anyone will agree that every thing in saltwater is based on opinion. If you're looking for a Nano you have to ask yourself what you are looking to get from the nano. If you want corals then you need good light, if you are looking to house a couple fish then you have to look at the size. All of the nano tank makers have different configurations of filters and lights. Hopefully the person that is going to be keeping the Nano is aware that every nano can and will be modified to meet your needs. You might also want to mention the Oceanic brand cubes if your looking at options. Ofcourse I'm bias and have to mention that I believe the Finnex brand makes the best :roll:
I'm not familiar with Finnex, but after owning a 24 NC and seeing/reading about the others, my ranking is

1) Oceanic biocube
2) Aquapod
3) JBJ Nanocube

You can check out this thread for some visuals:
The RedSea Max is pretty cool."></a>

There is a forum dedicated to Nano's.

Since I don't see any of our sponsors selling the Finnex brand aquariums I'll include this link. Remember these tanks are glass and not acrylics so they are a little more pricey but well worth the money. I'm sure you can also find them at better prices else where. As far as all-in-one Finnex has the best features and the new designs have worked all the original problems out.

ok if it is for an office, I highly doubt there gonna be doing mods, fuges, and customized lights. I have a 24g JBJ nano that holds an anemone, zoos, and some other soft corals and the whole thing is totally stock. People swear on changing out the stock pump with a MJ1200 but i put the 2 side by side and I could hardly tell a difference. So I would suggest buying a 24g JBJ nano cube from you can pick it up in lawrenceville. As far as the filtration remove the bioballs, little pvc pieces, carbon, and leave only one sponge. Here is what to replace it with---> first chamber put a handful of filter floss on top of the sponge. 2nd chamber LR rubble and buy the little seachem packs 1 of purigen and one of seagel they come in little mesh bags. 3rd chamber nothing but the pump. Every 3 months replce the seachem bags. Also about 30lbs of LR in main tank. Once a week remove and replace filter floss, clean sponge, and do a 3 to 5 gallon water change. I use this method for mine and it has been excellent. Dont bother with a skimmer. Wow i just realized i have no life - i just wrote this on a fri night :)
1. cadlights - I LOVE these tanks, i just couldnt go with an open top
2. finnex- again comparable to the cadlights, but open top
3. Biocube- overall quality of production. (i have the 29 gallon version and love it!)
4. Aquapod- extremely customizable, great price
5. nanocubes- also extremely customizable, great price, although ive heard of tank leaks a bunch.
2006 and 2007 maodels i have heard dont leak anymore - mine doesnt
I have a 12g AquaPod and I love it. I have to keep the feeding flap open permanently because I have had problems with my temperature getting a little too hot, but I think you will find that with most of those systems because there is way for heat to escape due to the enclosed lid...
clovis829;39189 wrote: I have a 12g AquaPod and I love it. I have to keep the feeding flap open permanently because I have had problems with my temperature getting a little too hot, but I think you will find that with most of those systems because there is way for heat to escape due to the enclosed lid...
why dont you up grade the fans i put two stealth in mine and my temp stays at 76 77 and i am running a maxijet 900
ooh i forgot about that one, but with a price tag of 599.99 minimum, i personally dont believe its worth it. nice looking tanks though."></a>

This I've heard is a good tank. It has some more advanced features and not a bad price for an all inclusive package. Nice smaller size for an office enviroment.

9 gallons but it has a protien skimmer, lite fuge, and 5 Watts per gallon. All for 160 Plus shipping. they basicly gut out all the tanks you listed and make em better. I have a modified nanocube and love it. The redseamax has a lot of issues from what I have heard.
cadlights are really nice from what i have heard, I would still love to buy one and may do so very soon. The biocubes and aquapods are great as well. If the person plans on customizing I would get the nanocube, they do not leak, there was a manufacturer defect about 2 years ago bc they used a new thinner glass; this glass is no longer used. I highly recommend, they also have another site
a> , awesome forum for just nanos. That site helped me a ton with my first nano.
weerrdd on i am probably the Oldest member on that site thats still active. great site though.
clovis829;39207 wrote: That is a good idea...I will look into that.
what kind of pump are you useing if its the stock pump take it out it produces like 24 watts of heatthat are constantly on with a maxi jet 900 you will only have 9 watts and get more flow you will getting 230gal per hour instead of 160 with the stock pump thus leaving you with happier fish and corals dont do the maxijet 1200 you only get 290 gal per hour but you end up getting double the energy consumption any more ? pm me
Thanks for all the input!!! I've passed this along to her, and I know she's trying to decide which route to go. We'll let you know.

One thing that you might want to consider is whether or not the building that you are in turns the AC off on the weekends. Some buildings do, and that would be pretty tough on a nanoreef.

I love my BioCUBE 8 gallon. Very attractive design, great build quality, external lamp ballasts and dual fans. Replace the stock pump with a minijet.

Enough light for kenya tree, toadstools, mushrooms, zoos, button polyps, star polyps; and enough room for a small pseudochromis, a hermit crab, a few snails and a porcelain crab to be very happy and healthy.

Very nice little package for an office tank. I think the 14 gallon would be even nicer. And I'll second the nanotuners recommendation. I'd go with them for my next cube. Probably an Aquapod 12 with 3 lamps....
Somebody stop me, Puhleeaze!! LOL