Best Place for Frags


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I am now ready to add corals to my new 140gal. Where is the best place, online or local, to buy good sized corals for decent prices. Please keep in mind online will always include shipping. I am also looking for frags. I would really like to get some large pieces though to spread around the tank so it doesn't look so bare with just multiple tiny frags. Any help would be great. Thanks!
One of the best shops in the area is Cappuccino Bay up in Marietta. They are also one of our sponsers so you get 10% off!
Honestly, your best bet is to post up what you are looking for and buy from other reefers.

You said to keep in mind with online retailers you have to pay shipping, but remember, with gas prices being as high as they are, driving to a couple LFS's is going to cost you a good chunk of change, unless you happen to live close to a few of them. Online, you can see what you are going to get and never leave the house and have them delivered to your doorstep.

If you are going to buy quite a few frags, online is probably best to cover the shipping costs. If you only want a couple, check with local reefers, b/c usually they give you the best deals, opposed to LFS's and you usually get more frag for your money and you also have the piece of mind, knowing the coral has been growing well in someone's tank.

If you want to hit the LFS's anyway, Marine Fish has some nice stuff and they give 30% off to members. Cap Bay has some decent stuff and they give 10% discount to members.
I havent been there yet but from what i hear Petland in alpharetta is the shiznit when it comes to getting decent sized corals for a low price. As "maveri9720" says keep an eye out on ARC because people are always selling frags for a decent price - I have gotten almost all of mine of here.
Tanner86;43846 wrote: I am now ready to add corals to my new 140gal. Where is the best place, online or local, to buy good sized corals for decent prices. Please keep in mind online will always include shipping. I am also looking for frags. I would really like to get some large pieces though to spread around the tank so it doesn't look so bare with just multiple tiny frags. Any help would be great. Thanks!
Petland Alpharetta. Huge frags for $25 before ARC discount.
Buying frags from you ARC members sounds great! I am becoming a member to the ARC in the next couple of weeks. I am waiting for the new Solaris to arrive. The tank has been cycling with LR for almost 2 months and all the chemicals are testing perfect. I am not looking for any specific type of corals. I would like some ricordias, torch coral, any colorful polyps, brain corals, stylophora, montipora, leathers, and an anemone for the clowns. I am really open to anything. Mainly I am looking for colorful and/or unique.

Also, what is a good alternative to hermit crabs for algae control. In my last tank the blue-legged and red-legged went straight for my hammer and frogspawn. The ate both corals in about a week.
Blue legs are the devil... Red legs should not have bothered a frogspawn.. What type of algae control are you looking for? I like emerald crabs and Sally Light Foot crabs.

As for coral frags. Check out other members (better to ask when you are already a member ;) ) and petland in Alph. If I was looking to BUY my first frags, petland would be my first choice!
I have an emerald crab in my 29gal bio cube reef. He was suggested by Marine Fish last week and has done an awesome job controlling a recent bubble algae outbreak. Doesn't the sally lightfoot feed mainly on meaty items? I don't want a crab more interested in my snails than the algae. I will definantly become a paid member of ARC. Everyone that has responded to my forums has been incredibly helpful and nice. Thanks to you all!
I am now a paid member of the ARC. Finally I can look at the photo galleries. I have been dying to see everyones tank.
Tanner86;43908 wrote: Buying frags from you ARC members sounds great! I am becoming a member to the ARC in the next couple of weeks. I am waiting for the new Solaris to arrive. The tank has been cycling with LR for almost 2 months and all the chemicals are testing perfect. I am not looking for any specific type of corals. I would like some ricordias, torch coral, any colorful polyps, brain corals, stylophora, montipora, leathers, and an anemone for the clowns. I am really open to anything. Mainly I am looking for colorful and/or unique.

Also, what is a good alternative to hermit crabs for algae control. In my last tank the blue-legged and red-legged went straight for my hammer and frogspawn. The ate both corals in about a week.
If you want a slap of brown/purple rimmed Monti, stop by and I will hook you up with some free. As for hammer/torches seriously head over to Petland Alph. They have multiheaded versions of both in large numbers as well as some great leathers especially in this last shipment.

If you are looking for algae control in general, just grab a variety of snails and a few emeralds from (free shipping once you hit $75), or pick some up from Fishy as he has some great prices as well.

Another interesting online place is Other than a DHL snafu, the stuff we got in was colorful and reasonably priced.

I will definantly contact you for the Monti when my light arrives. Thank you for any help, it is always appreciated.
NP. I have lots of stuff in the tank and I usually send people home with a little something extra when they stop by to visit.
A sally will eat almost anything it can... I have never had my sally eat a snail. She eats algae like a champ and any leftover food she can find. I did see he munch on a fish once but I am 99% sure the fish had died and she was just cleaning up!
I found a small crab that came in on my LR. He is not even the size of a pencil eraser and all brown in color. I only found him b/c I was taking some of the LR out to rinse the bubble algae off and he fell onto a towel. Any ideas what kind this crab might be? I did throw him back into the tank.
In my experience, mystery crabs are rare to be a good type of crab. If you find him again, I would try to snap a picture. Any crab can start small, most don't stay that way. The discription of "brown" is even less help! ;) Safe rule of thumb, when in doubt, throw it out! ;)
PETLAND ALPHARETTA............For what i know they have the best prices on lps and softies Usually aroud 20-30$)well lfs wise but their is a lot of people that sell frags for decent prices just have a look around i am sure you will find something