best salt mix?

I've been using petco brand salt. I've had no problems other than ridiculous salt creep. My PC fixture is covered in salt within a week. I gave up on cleaning it not too long ago as I have no high light corals. Open tops does not help either...

with reef crystals, would I have to add buffer w/ the salt or would it bring the PH up on its own.
This is the Salt I'd like to try, but I'm waiting on some reviews first:

<span style="font-size: 13px;">D-D H2Ocean Magnesium Pro PLUS Salt Mix</span>
<span style="color: black;">We all have different preferences when it comes to this hobby. But the argument of “best salt for reef aquarium” is not something that could be debated on the basis of our opinions; rather all comments should inevitably arrive at one conclusion: Oceanic. Facts, data, and empirical evidence and objective studies all points to Oceanic as the best salt in our solar system. Some say they have better versions on Teknequlia 15 in the Protoss Nebula. However, I personally recommend Oceanic All Natural marine mix since the Teknequlia 15 variation is not all natural. </span>
<span style="color: black;"> </span>
<span style="color: black;">That’s just my 2 </span>googol worth of pennies.