Best way to remove hair algea

nano jack

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I was wanting to know the best/safest way to remove hair algea from zoa plugs without harming them. I have a few small colonies that I want to move into my new tank but don't want an hitch-hiking of algea. Any ideas would be great. I've heard about dipping in peroxide but that doesn't sound good for the zoas...
Some people swear by Peroxide, and it did help me with an outbreak, among other things. I think zoas/palys have reacted better to dipping in peroxide than some of my others. Read the big thread on RC to make an informed decision.
Diluted peroxide is fine. CoralRx works on nuisance algae if you want something hobby specific.
Ok thanks what is the best way to dip with peroxide ie. how long how often..
Just be careful when handling Zoanthids and Palys, especially in stressful situations like cleaning and dipping. They produce a pretty nasty toxin, so wear eye protection and gloves. A few folks here have become very sick when handling stressed polyps.

Just be careful when handling Zoanthids and Palys, especially in stressful situations like cleaning and dipping. They produce a pretty nasty toxin, so wear eye protection and gloves. A few folks here have become very sick when handling stressed polyps.

Listen to her... she speaketh the truth ( ok so I stole that one, but it's true). I've done the peroxide and it works, though I gotta admit, I like the sea hare method better. Those suckers are cool ;-) just gotta re gift them when they are done with the job.

Edit: Read this...
post 33 has the important links.
Good luck!"></a>



how about removing the nutirents that you are adding into tank! GFO, large weekly water changes, wet skimming, carbon dosing, etc.......
Ok I'll check those out thanks! I have a small 15 gal for my first tank and learned the hard way on what not to do now I'm upgrading to a 60 gal and wanted to move a few things over without bringing their hairy friends.
I shocked the h&ll out of myself, just now!!! I tried it and it did NOT feal good... Thanks for the help!!! I stuck my head in the water then tried the flowbee. LOL

And my hair ended up like your avatar.
I did this today to a few pieces I got recently with a little hair algae.
Get a all tupperware and put a ratio of 2:1 tank water/peroxide let them soak a few 3-4 mins(I also added 1/2 ml of algae killer but its only cause I had it ) I hit the rock or plug with a soft Bristol tooth brush , you can go over zoas lightly but I try and avoid contact.
Whem there clean sit them in another bowle of clean tank water , they will be making slime and puking every wheat by now so make sure you where gloves and glasses and keep your mouth shut they can spit sometimes.
Once rinced In bowl#2 rince again in another small container of your tank water then put them in.
The zoa's Witt stay closed up a day or 2 but they will be fine and the algae will be goen. Iv doen this 6-7 times without loosing a polyp.
But be warned if the coral is injured it will bubble up just like when we use it on ourselves and this may kill or further injur the effected ares.
I have only doen this when its really bad , usually on live rock and iv only ever doen z's & p's never any stony's of any kind.
Typically if I get just a little growth on super glue or something like that I just put it down in the sand bed and my blenny or snails/hermit crabs get it clean
Good luck in the algae battle.