Big Shout Out to Cameron for the presentation

Budsreef wrote: Cameron, I enjoyed the talk even though most all the skimmers you talked about are bigger than my little 24G Aquapod. I'm looking at the Sapphire Nano, but still unsure if I'm doing 3G water changes each week if it is even needed. I have the handout with the list of all the skimmers, but would also like to have a copy of the presentation itself for future reference. Is it going to be posted here somewhere, or is it already and I just haven't figured out where?

There is a new site service coming online soon (hopefully this weekend but no promises) that will contain my information and more. Keep on the lookout for the official announcement soon.
Great presentation Cameron. It was not too long and it was very informative. Thank you for putting the time into it. It showed. :up:
That was a great presentation. Your preparation was amazing! Thank you so very much for your talk, i learned a lot.

Also, thanks to all the ARC members who brought their skimmers, I think the visual aid really helped in seeing the variety of skimmers available on the market
Good job!:up:

It's the one thing I have that foams and I haven't shot!:wow2:
Great job Cameron! :up:

You covered all the popular types with real examples and your diagrams in your presentation were helpful too!

I especially enjoyed your discussions about mods and which ones were definitely worth doing!


Well said Bob. I allway learn new thing with this kind of meeting.

Cameron great presentation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vey good was my fist meeting and being completely new to reek keeping you really helped me out in learning about skimmers....

thanks for making my first a good one.....
Cameron got a question for you

I got a use Aqualine skimmer Dimensions 24" Tall x 5" wide.
this thing are mode to be use out of Sump and it are running with a mag9.

It is skimming great with the air hole wide open. However I can not get this thing to do wet skimming. How do I go about doing that?
Simple answer is you need a pump capable of pushing the water column in the skimmer higher. If it was in sump, you could probably raise the water level. Out of sump, you could try raising/lowering the skimmers location in relation to the sump. I am not sure it will help much, but if you are right on the cusp of it pushing wet foam into the cup this might work. You can also try choaking down your air intake on the pump and then dropping an airstone down into the skimmer body.
Thanks for skimmer talk, that was very good. The print out will be helpfull to me also. lots of good info.
Thanks Again