Biocube 32 single species stocking options?


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Stone Mountain, GA
I'm about to have an empty bio cube (32g) after upgrading to a 75g. Once empty of livestock, I'd love to make it a show tank for a single species only.

Show me those oddballs and critters that do great alone!

Currently I am considering seahorses (just 2) OR a frog fish, OR a mantis shrimp- but I KNOW there must be a bevy of other options out there! Please share your thoughts & experiences!
A tree coral can really take over a biocube if left to flurish for over a year with the right parameters.

I know from experience.
I'm pretty sure the biocubes are glass. If that's the case I would stay away from the mantis.

Unless things have changed, but when I was first coming up in the hobby a mantis in a glass tank was a cardinal sin.
I'm pretty sure the biocubes are glass. If that's the case I would stay away from the mantis.

Unless things have changed, but when I was first coming up in the hobby a mantis in a glass tank was a cardinal sin.
I’ve kept many in glass, including in a fluval flex. Never had a single issue
yeah just make sure when you are feeding the mantis don't dangle the food near the sides of the tank. It may accidentally miss and hit the glass.
This is an old thread, so IDK if you've already made your choice or not, but might I suggest... Stone crab. I picked one up from Shac a few months back for free, stuck it in my sump and it has rapidly become one of my favorite pets. He molted a few weeks ago into a crab twice the size, so I moved him from my fuge chamber to his very own 24g lagoon tank that had been running empty for years. He promptly reorganized everything in the tank and is always out and about!
Fair warning: they can shatter turbo snail shells and, by extension, finger bones pretty easily. Only handle with a large net, and do not leave any poweheads withing reach because they will be delicately dismantled. Otherwise, it's a really fun pet!
I’d think that would be common sense but hey. Ain’t so common no more is it lol
Yeah. But also people toss food in along glass normally so it's a easy mistake. Also people feed live food that run away to glass. I just remember seeing a YouTube video of someone and the mantis was trying to eat the food he was dangling and it got excited and whacked the glass. Lol
This is an old thread, so IDK if you've already made your choice or not, but might I suggest... Stone crab. I picked one up from Shac a few months back for free, stuck it in my sump and it has rapidly become one of my favorite pets. He molted a few weeks ago into a crab twice the size, so I moved him from my fuge chamber to his very own 24g lagoon tank that had been running empty for years. He promptly reorganized everything in the tank and is always out and about!
Fair warning: they can shatter turbo snail shells and, by extension, finger bones pretty easily. Only handle with a large net, and do not leave any poweheads withing reach because they will be delicately dismantled. Otherwise, it's a really fun pet!
Very cool, do you have any pics?