black,bue,or clear background

Does anyone have any idea's on a black background with out having to paint. Maybe auto tint?!
If you have not filled it yet I would get spray paint, That is what I did with mine.
i was thinking of painting the back but figured it would be easier to attach the background mat. I'll check the craft store tonight and see what I can find if nothing else I can fall back to the black background
I held the same with the 54 corner..posterboard worked excellent!
Zanski;123096 wrote: Does anyone have any idea's on a black background with out having to paint. Maybe auto tint?!
Blue Life Water Color backgrounds are basically auto tint built for the aquarium:

<u><span style="color: #22229c;">"></a></span></u>[IMG]"></a>

You simply get some RO water and a couple drops of soap then slide it on the back then squeegee. Can be removed at any time. They have both blue and black.
I have used black before (makes my heaters and any cords in the tank appear invisible) and, to be different, I used some thin cork sheets on one tank. I really liked how the cork looked (it was a freshwater tank), but the black seems to really make the other colors pop. If you really want to try some different looks, check out the specialty paper for scrapbooking in Michaels or another hobby store. You can get almost any look you want. I mounted paper to craft foam and then attached it to the tank. I don't know how this would work on big tanks, though. I have used it on a 55 gallon and smaller.

PS - How are ya? I still haven't gotten the aqualight you sold me out of the box. I moved shortly after I bought it, and I am still moving in. It's always something.*

Rosanne Rosannadanna, approx. 1977
Reef Aquarium Vol 3 shows some nice effects with a back-lit blue background of semi-opaque material like plexiglass. It gives a nice deep ocean effect.
When I bought my tank, the guy had put 12x12 mirror tiles all the way across the back with silicon.. I was going to take them off but got impatient.. Looks alright though.. Reflects the back of the rock and makes it look like it goes on forever. If I ever drain it I will try and get them off though..
i had a90 gallon that i painted me it makes it look old and out dated.. black is my fav .it also helps the colors pop more.