Black Friday Weekend Sales

Creation Reef & Aquatics

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<p style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">All Day Friday & Saturday Sales:</span>
<span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: red;">Cylindricus $14.97
Cherry Shrimp 3 for $8
3" Brilliant Turquoise & Dark Angels $39.97
Rummynose, Cardinal, Emperor Tetras 5 for $10
Assassin Snails 3 for $6
Mbunas Buy 2 Get 3rd Free - all equal sizes
All peacocks/haps $32.97
Opaline Gouramis $1
Tiger Barbs $1.25
Rosy Barbs 3 for $6
Pandy Cory Cats 2 for $12
Gold Pristella Tetras $2
Blue Phantom Pleco $49.97
Diamond Tetras 4 for $9
X-ray Tetras $1
2.5" Discus Buy 1 get 2nd 50% off
Free dozen guppies with any cichlid purchase</span></span>
<span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: red;">Yellow Tang , Small $29.97
Yellow Tang, Md $39.97
Firefish $10
Cleaner Shrimp $25
Purple Tangs $120
Mystery Wrasse $75
Green Bubble Anemone $25
Blue Regal Tang $35
Green Chromis 5 for $20
Sailfin Tang, S $25
Mandarin Gobies $20
Randall's Goby $25, Randall's/Pistol Pair $35
T/ R Oscellaris Pair $40
Melanarus Wrasse $30
</span></span><span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: red;">Yellow Head Sleeper Gobies $25 (M)
Yellow Head Sleeper Gobies $20 (S)
Misbar Onyx Clowns $50, $80/pr
Bartlett's Anthias 4 for $150
Niger Trigger $49.97
Magnificent Foxface $149.97
Live Brine Shrimp $1.50/bag
Free dozen guppies with any lionfish purchase!</span></span>
<span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: red;">Red Mushroom Frags $35
Derasa Clams on sale!
Birds Nest Frags $10
ORA Toad Stools $25
Green Star Polyps $30
Carbon Lg $10
Aquatic Life Lighting 10% off
All Ocean Nutrition Frozen - BOGO
Xtreme Aquatic Food 20% off 2 or more
All Stuffed Animals 10% off
All Fluval Tanks Kits 10% off
Fluval 405 $175.47
All Signature Coral 15% off 2 or more
All seachem/api meds 10% off
Grapewood 20% off
Geissman Bulbs 10% off
Seachem Acid Buffer 25% off
Red Sea Test Kits 15% off
Pond De-icer $62.97
AquaVitro Coral Line 15% off
RO Units 10% off</span></span>
<span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="color: seagreen;">No other discounts apply! Come by and see us this weekend!</span></span>
I had an opportunity to visit CR and buy some dry goods. They have a very nice store and lots of inventory (wet and dry). Nice folks too!
alt="" />Picked this up today, but someone beat me to the frag that was a little bigger.

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