Black worms


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Does anyone know where I can get some black worms?? I have a butterfly and the mysis it was eating I can't get anymore. Ive looked everywhere. I've tried live brine, different kinds of mysis, pe mysis and it wont eat. It stopped eating 4 days ago and I found him this morning stuck to the intake. I'm treating with prazipro in case he has a parasite. But I can't imagine 4 days of not eating would cause it to go downhill like this. He loves black worms. Can anyone help with either advice or where to get them?
Thanks! It's a copperband btw. It tries to eat live brine but keeps missing it which is weird. It's been in my qt for 5 weeks and has done fine till I couldn't get it's certain type of food that it likes.
I got some. Thank you Dylan! Here's my dilemma, I got home at 4 pm after sending my kids all over to find clams on the half shell, got more live brine, got a frye container to keep it in so it would get all the food, and it wasn't doing well. My daughter managed to get it to eat a teeny tiny piece of a worm. I got it to eat another teeny piece. Took some frozen brine and melted it in a tsp and using a syringe I squirted some right near its mouth hoping it would get some. It wouldn't eat and when I did manage to get some worm in its mouth it would spit it out. It has been lying on it's side since 4 on the bottom breathing heavy then shallow. Took an air stone and gave it some oxygen every hour for 5 minutes. I finally, just now, got it to eat 2 worms and it didn't spit it out. It's up and swimming a little but too weak to swim in tank with out getting stuck to the return in my qt. Should I put prazipro in there to get rid of the parasite? It has to have one since 4 days without food should not be doing this to a fish who was eating great and doing fine for 5 weeks. Can someone with a lot of experience please tell me what I can do? Will killing the parasite help its appetite bc it got pretty skinny in 4 days which was really strange. It was eating a ton before until I couldn't get its food it was used to eating. I am unwilling to let this fish die.
I am of no help in your situation but I hope he pulls through for you. I'll keep my fingers crossed.