Blue hippo

I just got one for $30 from but you have to spend 149 to get the $89 discount off the blue tang. I’m happy with my purchase. All the fish but one survived and honestly the one that didn’t looked fine but my husband stressed it out the first day trying to fix the UV on the QT. It hid after that and probably starved. It was a small fairy wrasse and I have no pods in that tank. The other three are doing wonderfully. No signs of any illnesses and they’re all eating well and very active. I’m not paying $100 for a blue tang the size of a nickel.
Me too, not just with tangs but I took a chance this one time and I’m glad I did because i got the blue regal and a naso and an anthias plus a couple of other non fish items for under $300 and really just the naso tang and the blue regal would’ve cost that