Well like many of you I can find myself engulfed in viewing my tank for hours, even if its fairly new. I have several BLHC and noticed one has been running back and forth the front for a few days. Now this is the first generation in this tank so there aren't a whole lot of shell size variety, so I thought perhaps he needed one. I retrieved a few from my other tank and within 5 min the crab found one he liked. So my question is, is this simply a matter of opportunity being provided, or was his scrambling back and forth against the glass some biologic sign that the crab was outgrowing his old shell? Also, how many of these do you guys use per gallon? It will be a full reef tank when all is said and done with a sand bottom. I also have turbo snails and a few emerald crabs in there as part of the CUC. What are some good sand sifters that will get along with the other cuc guys?