Blue Linka


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<span style="color: black;">Ive had a blue linka for about 4 months now and just recently noticed white places on his underside. Excuse the mess but Ill try to explain it. He has small spots where the blue is missing and there is white underneath. The white appears to still have the same texture and look, other than color. This morning he has 3 of these spots, I cant tell if they are getting larger or smaller, all are less than 1/4", probably more like 1/16". They are all middle way through the arm.</span>
<span style="color: black;"> </span>
<span style="color: black;">Has he injured himself or is something wrong with him? Is there anything I can do? Is it something I did?</span>
His arm is probably going to fall off in that spot. My little Fromia did that a couple weeks or so ago and it seems to be growing back. Another one is dropping off like that now. Not sure of the cause yet. Maybe somebody will chime in. Figure it could be some form of reproduction or just stress to the animal.
My blue lankia was mangled at some point... not sure by what... but two of this arms seriously had their insides out. I was pretty sure the sea star would die but it's been a month now and the parts have healed up nicely and all the skin is almost back.

Still not sure what they eat... but it seems like it's a good sign in my tank.

On another note, I'm pretty sure the purple lankias eat sponges (at least I think it's called a sponge). I had a huge sponge of some kind that the purple stayed on for weeks and now it's pretty much consumed the whole thing.
Its not the snail. I didnt notice any worms but I'll look really close tonight.

Thanks for the comments everyone. I'll keep you posted.